Fire In The Streets ~ Chapter 11

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PUBLISHED: March 3, 2013

EDITED: January 9, 2017

A/N: Here's a longer chapter for you guys! There's more of ???'s P.O.V., and Roxas won the poll, so he will be the one who likes Raxmi but doesn't get any love in return. Poor Roxy!

In ???'s P.O.V., when the person says 'he', they're talking about the person that they are working for, who is one that Raxmi had stolen from at the start of the story. I love reading your guesses as to who the person is, so keep it up!

2017 EDIT: Fun drinking game – take a shot every time a Corridor of Darkness is mentioned throughout this fic. Quick path to alcohol poisoning.


???'s P.O.V.

- Axel went to Raxmi's house and was rejected by her. He thought she'd behaved oddly.

- Roxas told Axel that Raxmi was being held prisoner in the Castle That Never Was. Axel realized that he had actually interacted with an illusion, not the real Raxmi, and Raxmi's house. He figured that Zexion was the culprit.

- While searching for Raxmi in the Castle's dungeons, Axel fought off a person whom he assumed to be Zexion. Actually, this person was the one who had been spying on Xemnas and Raxmi earlier. It is revealed that the person can replicate other people's powers and weapons.

- Axel rescued Raxmi. He also learned that she has a terrible singing voice.


Raxmi's P.O.V.

I grimaced we entered the Corridor of Darkness, still unaccustomed to the mode of transportation. When the flurry of sensation ceased, the first thing that I heard was the smooth sound of Axel's voice. "Here we are. Welcome to Casa del Axel," the redhead next to me announced with an exaggerated tone of grandeur, removing his arm from around my waist. I was immediately aware of the loss of heat from where his hand had been gripping my hip. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of what must've been Axel's room. What were we doing here?

He must've noticed the confused expression on my face because he offered an explanation. "I'm sorry, Raxmi. I can't take you home yet," he said, avoiding my eyes. "I had to fight another member of ours to reach you, so Xemnas has most likely already been alerted that you're gone. He could've sent somebody to search for you in Twilight Town. It's best that you wait out in here for a while until he's it's safe to go back."

"And when will that be?" I asked.

He sighed, seeming apologetic. "It could be a day. It could be more. I'll have a better idea once I find out what's happening in the higher ups, but I can't know for sure now..."

I could only nod at his answer. Of course I wanted to return immediately, but he was right: it wouldn't be safe. Hopefully Seifer and the others would've take much notice of my absence for a day, but anything more than that would be sure to stir suspicion. Even my father, who barely acknowledged my existence, would be bound to realize I wasn't around after a while.

My eyes swept around the room, taking in every detail. There was a single bed in the corner, with its abnormally-shaped headboard – it appeared to be the symbol that I'd seen on the Dusks – pressed against the wall. A rectangular window took up a significant section of the wall that the horizontal side of the bed was pressed against, and a door decorated with an ornate frame was on the opposite wall, most likely leading to the hallway. All these walls had pipes and a strange pattern of thick, hollow lines running all along it, similar to the lines that had been on the cell wall's but without the pulsing light. There was a messy desk with a chair pushed under it, placed next to a closet in the corner. And there was grey, grey, grey. Everywhere. There was another door, less elaborate that the exit, propped open slightly to reveal a bathroom.

{DISCONTINUED} Fire In The Streets ~ Axel x Reader (Kingdom Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now