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Your POV
"Could you please remove your shirt so I can see if you're hurt anywhere else?" Dazai asked me in a cool, but concerned, voice.

I instantly felt my cheeks heat up; he wanted me to take my shirt off!? He locked the door, he's sitting right next to me, what else could this mean? Maybe I was just overreacting? Maybe he really was just wanting to make sure I was okay? Regardless of the reason, I still felt embarrassed and overly shy.

"(Y/n)?" Dazai asked gently, a soft smile on his face followed by a chuckle. "You're turning red~"

"I-I know!" I exclaimed rather loudly, feeling even more embarrassed. "I-It's just that.... well.... uhh...."

He looked at me with confusion, slightly tilting his head as he looked at me with his eye wide. Then, after a moment of awkward silence, a soft pink blush crossed his cheek.

"Oh! You want me to look away, right?" He asked with a small laugh. I nodded my head quickly, and he complied with my wish. He turned his back to me and let me take my shirt off.

I still felt extremely shy about this. It's not like I just strip in front of people all the time, so this was awkward for me. I hesitantly lifted my shirt up, exposing some of the bruises, scratches, and cuts left over from my fight; some of them were worse than others, stinging as my shirt grazed over them. I stopped taking it off at the top of my bra, feeling uncomfortable taking it any higher.

"O-Okay, you can look..." I whimpered quietly, turning my back to him so he could get a better look at the bruises that were there. The modest part in me was telling me that I shouldn't even be doing this, but I felt like I didn't have much of a choice.

There was a heavy silence in the room as I heard him turn to face me. He let out a deep sigh and got off the bed, heading away and towards a nearby cabinet.

"What happened? How did this start?" He asked in a deepened voice, sounding infuriated and heartbroken at the same time.

"I-It was all a blur..." I lied, my voice becoming timid. To be completely honest, I didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't terrible, I just knew the kind of power that he possessed. He probably sent the guy who attacked me to his grave when he left- I don't want anything else to happen.

Why was I thinking like this? These people here aren't exactly saints; they're murderers and thieves who don't care about anyone else in the world except themselves. So why was I holding back? Why was I protecting someone that attacked me?

"(Y/n)," Dazai said in a dark tone, "don't lie to me. I can tell that you aren't telling the truth." I could hear his footsteps slowly coming back to the bed I was sitting on, as if he was being cautious to approach me. I felt myself slightly tremble- the fear he was able to inflict was astonishing, but still frightening nonetheless.

"I... I just walked out of my room to get a quick drink, and then I got jumped." I explained hesitantly, but truthfully. There wasn't much more to the story other than what they called me, the bets they placed, and how they hoped I wouldn't make it out of the ring alive before Dazai returned.

"And that was all?" He inquired as he took a seat on the bed next to me, the frame creaking as he sat down. I could hear him place something on his lap and near my lower back, the object's cold surface pressing softly against my skin.

"Y-Yes, that was all." I replied softly, still both anxious and embarrassed about the situation. He let out a faint sigh and started to clean some of my minor injuries, the rubbing alcohol stinging to the touch. I tried not to react to the sting, but I couldn't hide it very well.

"Sorry, I should've warned you about this." Dazai mumbled quietly as he continued treating my scratches and cuts.

"No, it's alright." I replied just as softly, slowly getting used to it.

First to Go (Mafia!DazaixReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant