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A couple of days have passed since my unfortunate encounter with the Port Mafia and I was discharged from the hospital with only a cast around my arm. Dazai greeted me outside of the busy hospital with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. He was still wearing the same attire from a couple of days ago when we first met: a black trench coat and bandages over his right eye.

"Good afternoon Miss!" He cheerfully greeted me as I approached him.

"Hello Mr. Osamu." I spoke softly. I still felt anxious around him and I wasn't ready to head to the Mafia's headquarters yet.

"Just call me Dazai."

"Well, Dazai, I forgot to ask this earlier. Could I film you?" He tilted his head with a carefree expression.

"I said you can document on us, right? So yes." He replied with a flat tone before turning around and signaling me to follow him. I stayed close behind him, holding onto my camera and occasionally filming some of his interactions covertly.

After roughly a half an hour of walking around town, we finally reached what I recognized as the Port Mafia's headquarters. The area around it was empty and quiet to where I could almost hear the most subtle of sounds that would be mute under normal circumstances. We stood before a staircase leading underground, how far below I never knew. I secretively turned on my camera, filming my surroundings in awe that I was able to be where I am now.

Dazai signaled me to follow him down the stairs. I kept my camera rolling as we walked down the stairs, our footsteps echoing off the halls to disturb the silence. We approached two dark grey metal doors that were slightly rusting on the bottom from years of ware. Dazai knocked on the door, the thundering echo flowed through the confined space. Part of the door slid open and quickly closed after they saw our faces. I heard them unlock the entrance and opened it, allowing us to enter.

The room was dark, black everywhere I looked. The camera could no longer pick up any detail, so I shut it off to save the battery. I kept my eyes on Dazai, following close behind until I could start to see around the area.

The underground lights flickered on as if it was part of a horror movie, giving out a yellow tint. The room started lighting up, looking brighter than I imagined it and not as dismal. The room was open and large, with a few tables laying around, each having a light over it. A few tinted windows were scattered around near the roof of the floor, letting some natural light in from the desolate surroundings.

I anxiously looked around the room, not recognizing any of the faces and having the gnawing thought that all of them had killed someone. I remember some of my research telling me that it wasn't rare for them to kill for initiation, or do some other form of despicable act. I wasn't going to deny it, I was scared. I continued to glance at the faces, slowly recognizing some of them from my earlier encounter a few days prior.

They made eye contact with me, sneering before looking away, muttering something under their breath that I couldn't hear. The sound of chattering voices flowed through the room as Dazai led my to my sleeping quarters. He informed me that he managed to get me a personal room by myself and that if I needed anything to let him know.

I entered my room, a comfortable space for how surprisingly small it was. It had a bunk bed on the left back corner with a small desk just in front of it, close to the door. Across from the bed was a dresser and a coat hanger. Just on top of the dresser was a large mirror of the same width.

It wasn't much, however I found it comfortable. My father and I lived in a small apartment, about twice the size of the room. We did have enough money to get by, but my father still sold some of his favorite pictures to get the money we needed. He would take me on some of his photo shoots, leading me to my admiration of photography.

First to Go (Mafia!DazaixReader)Where stories live. Discover now