Before We Start

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Look, I know I said it was going to be with an OC, however I don't feel like that would be entertaining enough for you guys. I had a change of heart after writing most of the first chapter, but thankfully I didn't have to change most of it! :)

If you guys want it the other way, let me know and I'll change it back. I'll be keeping the things below to a minimum in case y'all want it changed. If not, I'll leave it alone. :)

Okay, you need to know the normal stuffs:

(Y/n)- Your first name
(L/n)- Your last name
(N/n)- Nickname*
(F/c)- Favorite color
(H/c)- Hair color

*It can be whatever you want! :) You can make it up or just go by a nickname you do irl! :)

You've probably noticed that there isn't an (H/l) or "Hair length" in there. In this story, your hair still can be the length you want it to be, however it has to be long enough to have bangs to your cheek bone. It's a mix of you and the original OC I had planned for the story. Plus I have a cute idea planned. >u<

You are also going to be older than you are in real life (more than likely). You are the minimum drinking age of your country (for me, it's 21)! There are going to be a couple of bar scenes and I don't want anyone thinking that what they're doing is illegal lol. So just keep that in mind! ^u^

One more thing! A quick apology for those who came over from Vine and had to wait so long. Hope y'all like it! :)

All set! Please enjoy! :)

Story credit to suicidalmeme (yato af on Vine)

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