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    So.... I know I haven't updated in a while, but I just finished Jedi Night, and decided to put the feels to good use. Yes, this is a story update, and my gift in tribute to Kanan, the Jedi Master who never gave up, encouraged others, and died protecting his crew, his family. P.S. Have a box of tissues handy..... Hope you enjoy.

God bless, Skye.

    All paths are coming together now.......

    The Force was not a static thing, rooted in the living, neither just a part of the ground, nor a energy that a person could tap into. The Force was mechanism, living, breathing, moving; in actions and future actions, a spiderweb of potential energies that link past and future. Tracing those lines was nearly impossible, save for those who's destiny was fixed, in great feats, dramatic downfalls, or death. Rare was the person who's future was static, immovable. People changed, became better; or worse, depending on the person. Destinies could be altered, futures changed on a whim. But to know your destiny is fixated, rooted, is a whole different story.

    Kanan traced the invisible lines, the lines he knew like a person would know the marks on their own skin, noting that where there had been dimples and bumps; the small changes and different paths in futures, there was nothing but a fixed string of actions, tracing off into a fading spark. When he had said those words, he hadn't known what he had meant. All paths are coming together.

    Kanan hadn't always been this tuned to the future. His blindness had opened his eyes to a different world, a invisible universe that was complex, even in its stark clarity. Many people sought to know their future, and at one point, Kanan had been one of those people. Now, knowing his future, what he had to, and would do; even if his future wasn't final, was daunting. His Master had sacrificed herself for him, to protect Kanan, and now Kanan would do the same for his friends, his family.

    Kanan extended his tendrils of Force, like a hand reaching out to examine an unknown object. He felt the red hot sparks of the drivers in the Imperial Walkers, like tongues of molten fury; Ezra, Sabine; glowing sparks in a sea of darkness, flashing with determination, and passion to protect the people they cared about. How he loved them, his crew, his kids. He could feel Zeb, farther away, a nervous ball of energy awaiting their return, his faithful friend. And he could sense Hera too, behind him, the woman he loved; her Force aura shining as bright as when he had first met her. They were worth fighting for, dying for even.

    "Kanan?" She said, her voice as lovely as ever. "I figured out what I was going to say." He turned to her, and was relieved to feel in her signature only a faint taint of the truth serum on her otherwise unblemished aura. "And what is that?" Hera moved closer, and he realized with a shock, what she was about to say before the words escaped her lips. "I love you, Kanan." I love you, Kanan. His mind spun. It was funny, how a Jedi Master could face an army unflinchingly, but four simple words could leave him feeling undone. Was that the serum talking, or her? "Is that the truth serum taking?" He managed, but Kanan heard his own voice, unsteady, and almost raw with emotion. "No." She said, and stepped closer. "That's me, truly me." And she kissed him, and then Kanan was really undone.

    "Alright you two, enough with that, time to go." Ezra's voice broke in, and the haze in his mind cleared slightly, and the sensation of his dawning destiny returned, this time with a new intensity. Kanan's destiny was fixed, but his family's was pliable, and they would live on to change the world, if he acted now, and quickly. Kanan reached out, taking Hera's hand, and guided her to the waiting vessel. This, he knew, would be the last time he would ever be there to comfort her, take Hera's hand, and tell her everything was okay. He would never see Ezra, his son, again; never get to marvel at Sabine's artistry, never get to spar with Zeb, his brother, his friend, ever again. The traces of Force grew taut, and the future flashed before Kanan's eyes a moment before the lasers struck the tower beneath his feet.

    He was a Padawan, joking with his friends training under Depa Bilaba, his Master. He was a fugitive, again being trained by a friendly smuggler. He was a miner, a drifter, and then a rebel. He was no longer alone. He had a family, people he loved and needed to protect. And Kanan was ready. The Force surged through him, and in two long steps he was at the edge of the flames. With all his Force amplified power, holding all his memories close, using the strength of his affection of his family as a reservoir of energy, he held up his hands. Flames danced around him, everywhere, hot, and fierce. You can have me, but I won't let you take them, too. Kanan thought, just as fierce. He could feel the Auras of his family behind him, dazzling sparks of fear, and shock; dancing with horror. She's coming after me. Kanan realized, with a jolt of dread. Hera was coming to save him. One hand still holding the flames at bay, Kanan shoved her backwards with the force, and then the rest of his family.

    His energy was waning, and the flames licked his fingertips with a malicious hunger. Kanan glanced back, and as if a veil had been lifted before his eyes, he saw, as he hadn't in what felt like forever. Ezra, horrified, and much older than he remembered, his son's cobalt blue eyes stark in the moonlight. Sabine, his daughter; already knowing what was about to happen, and looking just as beautiful as he remembered. When has she changed her hair again? And Hera, too. She was breathtaking, even as her eyes brimmed with tears and her face contorted in misery. He heard their cries, his crew, his family, and saw them. This was his one last glance, before everything vanished in a halo of orange flames and flashes of dark ash.

    His path was complete. His family was safe. And holding onto that one last glance, Kanan surrendered himself to the Force.

Notes, Drabbles, and Oneshots: A Star Wars Rebels Oneshot Request Book [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now