The Nightmare Before Christmas Part One

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    Heloooooo everyone!!!! I've had this sitting in my writing book for a LONG time. Soooo, here  it is (several paragraphs below :P) Special thanks to my friend Beth (TheBeth02) for inspiration. After part two there will be adorable Kanera so the wait will (hopefully) be worth it to y'all!!! Thanks again for reading!!!! :D

:::::::::::::::PLEASE READ, VERY IMPORTANT::::::::

    Also, this is about my OCs, so when you see Caleb, it is NOT Kanan/Caleb.


Dawn  Rísulla, female blue skinned Twi'lek human hybrid 

Raía Ríssula, female golden-tan skinned Twi'lek human hybrid

Caleb Jarrus, male tan skinned Twi'lek human hybrid

Gisf Orrelious, male teen sleek furred Lasat 

Kæmar, young male Wookie hybrid with meduim length fur

Kányn, young male Pau'an

C1-10P/Chopper, droid

R-3D/Red, droid

Here's the story :D 

    Where was he? It was so cold, nothing like the warm airy cabins of Ghost or Spirit l. Caleb opened his eyes, already feeling his lukku numbing. Snow bombarded him from the side, cold icy flecks lacing his vision and making it hard to see. Shaking his head, Caleb blinked quickly to clear them, forcing himself to march briskly through the snow. He had been here before, Caleb was sure of it; and if he walked up that rise there, he should be able to see the old Imperial Complex, the one the Inquisitor had been in. It didn't matter right now, any place that offered enough warmth to survive was a good place. Sure enough, when he reached to top, it was in sights. Trying to walk faster did him no good last time, Caleb remembered; and made sure to keep the slow, marching pace. He could feel anything, and his lukku where so cold he could barely move them. Why couldn't he have inherited more of his father's traits, Caleb didn't know. Humans seemed to like the cold; playing in the snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights. Caleb's father had seemed fine with almost any environment, taking off clothes when it was hot, putting on more when it was cold. He had inherited his tan skin though, and light teal eyes, none of which were very helpful to generate warm right now. Unless human skin could supply warmth, but he didn't think so. Or maybe thier long hair did. Honestly, it was useless musing, he would never completely understand a human anyway. Numb hands fiddling with the latched door, Caleb felt a reminder in the Force. Oh yeah, he could've used that to warm himself, that was the other thing he had inherited from his father, a connection to the Force. Shaking away the thought, he opened himself to the mysterious aura that binded the galaxy together. It was gone now, replaced by a wall of cold. Shivering, and not yet ready to die in the cold, Caleb made his choice. Unclenching the latch, Caleb let himself in. It was dark, and his boots splashed in puddles of water. If he remembered correctly, the light switch should be- ah, there it was. Pressing the button Caleb exhaled as the lights turned on, and the heat with it. Averting his eyes away from the switch, he knelt down to drink, dipping his hand in-in blood. Recognizing the warm, sticky liquid, Caleb gasped, stomach turning to knots as he staggered backwards, staring at his hand. He could smell it now, repulsive, choking him. Gasping, he now remembered why he shouldn't have come in. This was where his father had been killed. Looking back towards the room, Caleb noticed the burns on the walls, lightsaber marks. Tears dripping Caleb thought, always fighting till the end. That was his father, all right. But something didn't match up. The blood was blue, not red like a human's should be, and light sabers cauterized a wound, not cause it to bleed. Other bodies lay nearby, stormtroopers, Caleb guessed by the armor. But there was also someone else. Father. No, not his father, he reminded himself, though it was easy to think that because his father had died here. Forcing his tears away, Caleb crouched by the person, careful not to let any of his clothing drape onto the wet floor. Trying not to gag at the smell of blood, Caleb noted her as a blue skinned Twi'lek, perhaps a Twi'lek human hybrid like he was. Pieces falling in place, Caleb sobbed, falling to his knees, no longer caring about dirtying his garments. Heart pounding, he rolled her over, already confirming what the knot in his gut told him. "Dawn." She was long gone, face hollow, usually vibrant blue eyes glazed a dull grey as she stared into space. Her skin had faded too, and it clung to her bones like an ill fitting robe. She was still clutching her lightsaber, Caleb noticed, tears cascading own his face. I should have been here. He could've stopped whoever did this. There was his answer. Though Caleb saw the blaster marks the stormtroopers had made (hence the blood), the evidence of her death pointed to the person to had killed his father. The Inquisitor. A hole burned through her chest, a hole like that could only be cause by a lightsaber. "I see you've found your friend." Snarling, Caleb turned towards his nemesis, gently drawing Dawn's lightsaber from her hand. Igniting both hers and his, he held up the Lightsabers of the two people he had loved most in his life. Dawn, and his father. "How perceptive." He growled in return, purposefully taking the Inquisitor's line. Glowering at the tall, white skinned alien, he moved to stand protectively over her body. "Always trying to save the ones you love. Just like your father." Yellow eyes glinting with malice, the Inquisitor smiled grimly, revealing his pointed teeth. Letting out an almost inhuman growl, Caleb sprang at him. Igniting his double red blades, the Inquisitor fought back, parrying his strikes. Both jumped back, circling. "Your father did the same thing, fought; just like when I killed your precious mother." Caleb felt a stab in his chest, that last line was an extra blow. He had never met his mother, but Caleb's father had told him about her. He had never met her, but he loved her anyway. His mother would have understood him better than anyone else, Caleb knew. He loved to fly, like she had. His mother had left him two precious gifts, his ship, and grumpy astromech, which hated most of his crew, though again, seemed attached to Dawn. Maybe she reminded him of Caleb's mother.He would never, never, never let the Inquisitor get away with that. Tapping into the Force, Caleb struck blow after blow, pressing the fiend backwards. "Look at him boy, where is your father now?" It was a rhetorical question, one meant to hurt. Seething, Caleb pressed on, double blue Lightsabers nearly biting flesh as the Inquisitor barely met him blow to blow. Sparks flying as the two Lightsabers clashed, Caleb pushed him backwards with one saber, cornering him. With a well aimed slice, the Inquisitor was mortally wounded. Hideous face grinning evilly, the Inquisitor spoke his last words. "There are some things far more frightening than death." Then he slumped backwards, flesh rotting away in a matter of seconds, leaving only a broken skeleton. Caleb had won, but it didn't feel like it. Slumping, he closped face down on the cold metal, crying. "Calm down Caleb, we're here." The words came, gentle, from behind him. He could recognize that voice anywhere. "Dad!" Leaping to his feet, Caleb turned in a circle. There was no one there, yet he knew he couldn't have imagined it. "You've made us proud." The new voice reminded him of Dawn, the faint Twi'lek accent melodious. "M-mom?" Caleb guessed. "Out! My ship, my seat. Stars, Caleb. How many times do I have to tell you I'm the captain!" "Dawn." Caleb whispered. "Caleb! Choppers in my room! Can you get the karabasting junco pile before I'm forced to dismantle him?!" In the background, Caleb could hear the droid beeping irritably. Gisf; the second youngest member of the Ryloth Fleet spoke. "Hey, be careful, I don't want to lose you." Caleb felt a rush of warmth despite the tears dripping down his cheeks. Dawn, again? He wasn't complaining, the day he got tired of her voice (even if she was yelling at him, which was often) was the day he'd sell Ghost and willingly put on a sparkly pink dress. "I'll be careful." That was Kæmar, the first youngest. "Good, I don't want to lose you." "You won't mom-er...." The Wookie hybrid cut himself off. There was silence, then. "Thanks Son." Caleb smiled despite himself. His crew was more than just a band of parentless young adults and a couple of no-body kids; it was a family, despite being different species, they were a family. "Raía?" That was Dawn again, calling for her younger sister. "Right behind you Dawn!" His tears had almost dried when he heard the voice again, a mere whisper, an echo of his past nightmares. But it was there. "There are some things far more frightening than death." Suddenly, Caleb felt like he was splitting with pain. A red blade protruded through his chest, the familiar whispers of his family dying out. Vision lacing with scarlet, Caleb pawed weakly at it, sinking into the floor. Vision turning black, he held onto the last remain words he heard. "Caleb. Be strong, please." Dawn's voice wobbled, filled with emotion. Then, quieter, "For me." Finally finding peace, Caleb let his blurred vision blacken as he sank against the cold floor.

"Because there's always hope."

Part two coming soon, everyone!!!!  Thanks for reading!!! :D

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