Dance With Me?

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    Heeeeeeellooooo everyone! I think most of you have heard of my new book coming this Jan., and I think I've finally decided on a title, Jedi Dawn. XD I've finished the first chapter already, and have started the second. I am quite confidant that JD will be my most well written book yet! I've also been working on cover art (though I probably won't use mine). ANYWAY, this takes place in that AU time (Order 66 happens 9 yrs later than in cannon, so Caleb is about 19 in this and Hera is about 17) , not in Rebels. Also, again, Caleb is Kanan, just making sure I say that. XD 

And without further ado, the story:


    Caleb officially detested parties. The informal ones at the Jedi Temple were enjoyable; though he and the other older padawans had to keep an relaxed eye on the younglings, and also the younger padawans, too, if they were being rowdy. Senate parties were a lot different though, much classier for one thing. Hera used them to her and the Fulcrums she worked with advantages, making useful connections and gaining powerful allies for the galaxies greater good. And he understood, he just wished the weren't so long and dressy. Going to a senate hosted Life Day Christmas party had been a whole new experience then the others he'd went to, one his Master and the Jedi Council weren't sure if they approved of. But they had let him go, one, because the safest route went near some of the sketchier areas, and two, he had already disabledthirteen assassins in the first three months he had been assigned to "bodyguard duty", proving himself worthy of the responsibility. He should've known the Life Day senate party would be a bit different, more decorations and stuff, so much stuff. The senate party was overwhelming, with flashing lights, bright decorations, and an over abundance of people. Speaking of which. Suppressing a yawn, Caleb found her again. Clothed in a fitting gold and white dress, with a matching head piece, long fingerless gloves, and necklace; Hera was chatting with A Fulcrum, a member of a secret group of people who worked separate from the Republic for the galaxy's greater good. They had finally dimmed the lights at 23:00, and although some people were filing out, many more continued to enjoy themselves. The music had also slowed down, not so many crazy Life Day celebration tunes as slow dance music. Outside, the moon cast a hazy light indoors through the glass walls, brightening the dimly lit elaborate room and casting shadows. The light caught, hitting her dress making it glisten with silver and gleam with gold, the light bathing her skin in a warm glow and giving her lukku markings a silver hue. Caleb's breath felt tangled in his chest. He was supposed to be watching her, ready to protect her. And he was, he would always be. But he couldn't help just watching her, too. Sensing his gaze, perhaps, emerald eyes flickered upwards, meeting his. She smiled at him before turning back to the the cloaked figure; looking as if she was wrapping up her conversation. The whole room except the floor was entirely made of glass, and newly opened skylights let in gusts of fresh air and glowing star light. People were pairing up as the music slowed, and the already dim lights flickered once before someone shut them down. Finally, with a nod, the Fulcrum left. Hera joined him, and he stood, stretching luxuriously with a yawn. "Ready to go?" She asked him, stars reflecting in her green eyes. Stifling another yawn, Caleb nodded; reaching out to the Force to check their surroundings. It was surprisingly quiet, he thought, and mentally widened the area he was supervising. He was two blocks away, definitely someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley at night. So we don't drive that way, then. The other route felt safe, and most traffic was going that way anyway. Contently dismissing his plans, he followed her to the door, stoping with her when someone called to them. "Leaving already?" It was one of Hera's senator friends, he vaguely recognized. "We're just starting the music!" Caleb felt his stomach tighten. He would stay, if Hera wanted to, but he really didn't want to spend the rest of the night watching her dance with...Dance with someone else. She didn't want that though, she never had. Hera looked up at him, a question in her eyes. Dance with me? The Jedi Code didn't say you couldn't love, it said no attachments. Dancing wasn't really an attachment, and it was Life Day.... Despite himself, he beat down his emotions, trying to look at it from both sides. It could possibly make it harder for them- him in the future, he knew. Caleb was tired of fighting his feelings, tired of the constant mental battle in addition to the physical ones as well. He would allow himself a little break, he decided. He had seen people dance at the Temple parties anyway, he wasn't breaking the Code. Caleb's eyes met hers, and whatever Hera saw there gave her his answer. "I guess...we could stay for a little bit...." Hera was still watching him, her force signature radiating slight surprise. She knew about the Code, he had told her early on to enforce the rule for himself. The senate lady smiled and said something to Hera before trotting away and joining her partner. Turning towards her, Caleb watched her face. Glowing eyes followed her friend with a slight smile before flickering up to his. "I have no clue how to dance." Hera laughed gently at him, taking his hand and leading him to the center of the floor. Her fingers were warm. "Let's just watch for a bit." She told him. He nodded, watching how the other men moved. The dance looked so...elegant. Caleb didn't know how he'd ever do that. Turning back to Hera, he found her already facing him. "Ready?" Caleb took a deep breath, gently pulling her close. "Yeah." And gently, with confidence growing, they danced under the Life Day stars.

    Hey does anyone have any requests out of curiosity? I'm kinda running out of ideas.... Any suggestions? Constructive criticism is welcome! :) Thanks for all your votes and comments.


Merry Christmas, ya'll! God bless! :D

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