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                                                                            Dedicated to SWRgirl

    It was freezing, the brisk wind sending the fallen scarlet leaves whisking through the short cropped grass. Hera hadn't landed Ghost on one of the snow caped mountains that lined the little valley, but at this altitude, during nighttime, being frozen to death was somewhat unavoidable. The view was worth it though. He didn't remember much about the Jedi Temple or Corascant, he had buried those memories a long time ago. But he did somewhat remember the city, skyscrapers built apon skyscrapers, obstructing his view of the sky when the pollution didn't. There were some upscale parts of Corascant, but almost every planet had them. Well, either the planet, or the planet's moon did. Kanan amended, thinking of Gorse. Though on Gorse the sun never rose, the night time spectacle was far from even those on outskirts of Corascant. On Cynda however, the night had been crisp and bright, though her mother planet had sometimes obstructed the view of the night sky. Either one was incomparable to Alderaan. The sky was deep blue, every star a glistening diamond in the sky. Alderaan's glistening white moon was huge rising above the towering mountains framing the sky, casting its glow on the shallow valley in which they had parked Ghost. The night had turned the flaming trees to a deep scarlet, and the moon illuminated the creek that ran through the ankle high grass. "Kanan?" The soft call came from behind him, punctured with a yawn. Shivering, Kanan turned toward her. "Just admiring the view." Hera's quiet steps came closer, stopping beside him. After a moment, Kanan scooted over slightly on his perch, giving her more space to sit with him. "There's room for two." She sat, smiling softly in his direction before turning to gaze over the valley. Kanan watched her, pulling his to legs to his chest and propping his chin on his knees in hopes of retaining some, any, warmth. The moonlight bathed her in a warm glow, casting silver light across her skin. Hera's lukku swayed slightly in the breeze, the intricate markings on them turned to silver. Her emerald eyes glowing, she studied the landscape wondrously. She's really something. Hera cast her gaze upwards admiring the sky, shivering forcefully as if trying to banish the chill. "Cold?" Kanan asked only half teasingly, turning towards her. She watched the sky for a moment longer before angling herself to face him. "It was always hot and dry on Ryloth. The night view was incredible, but nothing like this." They were quiet for a moment, both shivering. She was looking down, not meeting his gaze; her family and homeworld had always been a touchy subject, and it had taken months after his own Jedi confession for her to be comfortable enough with him to share her past. Even now, they rarely discussed each other's past, though sometimes in between OPs and tending to Ghost she would tell him a story from her childhood, or he from his. Her voice thick with emotion, Hera went on. "My mother used to take me on the tallest spire in Tann Province. We'd look up and count the stars, and she'd tell me about all the amazing planets in the galaxy." Uncurling, Kanan scooted closer, ignoring the cold biting into him and gently touching her shoulder. He had heard about Hera's mother, and that she lived Tann Province; but she hadn't gone into details. And she didn't need to, if it hurt her; he'd rather her not tell. "Then the war broke out, and we had to evacuate the capital. My father tried to save everyone, but my mother was killed in the turmoil." She kept her voice relatively even, though she couldn't disguise the bitterness in her voice at mentioning her father. Kanan knew her well enough to know when she was hurting, even her voice might be able to conceal it, but her force signature never could. Briefly, Kanan opened himself to the Force, expanding his senses and gently brushing against her conscience. Hera opened her mind to him, recognizing his unasked question. Focusing on his emotions, he made sure his force signature radiated comfort. After a moment she gently closed him off again. Hera could never stop a Force user from invading her mind, but he would never, ever, ever go inside her head or through her personal feelings without her consent or invitation. As if she had sensed this, Hera looked up at him with a smile before turning towards the valley again with a shiver. Was it his imagination, or had she just moved closer to him? She radiated warmth, and how she was shivering, Kanan didn't know. Pressing his lips together, he resisted scooting towards her; instead, he turned toward the view, breaking the awkward silence. "You miss them don't you, your family?" Hera dragged her gaze away from the stunning scenery to look at his face, green eyes flaming. "I miss my mother." Kanan didn't ask for details, he already knew about her strained relationship with her father; and he didn't want her to relive whatever pain he had caused. After a moment, she turned back towards him, and he looked up from what he had been doing. "Do you miss your family?" Hera asked him gently. "Or were the Jedi like your family?" Shaking his head at the last part, Kanan answered her. "My master was the closest thing I had to a mother. Most of us were taken when we were infants, so-." So we didn't form attachments. Kanan cut himself off. He wasn't ready to tell her that, not now, possibly not ever. As far as he was concerned, that part of life had died with the rest of the Jedi. Especially if it meant he couldn't be with her, because right then, looking at her, that was all he wanted. Kanan took a shaky breath, looking away for a moment. Hera gently put a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry." "Don't be." He replied turning towards her. "Your the closest thing I've ever had to a family." It was a risky step, considering Hera's past reaction tho his....admiration. This wasn't flirting, though; and he wasn't lying, she was the closest thing he had to family. What that made them, he honestly didn't know. And it didn't matter, he could love her, and they'd still be friends. Or they could be together, if she wanted that. He wasn't going to force her to decide; or to talk about it. He just wanted her to know that she was loved, even if her family didn't care, or if she thought she was alone in the galaxy, or if people only saw her appearance, and judged her and her identity on that. Her emerald eyes searched his for a moment. Kanan held his breath, worried he'd gone too far. Then, gently, Hera touched his the back of his head, pulling him close. He leaned in, eyes closed, not sure what to expect. Their foreheads touched, and they were both quiet for a moment; sharing their warmth and peace in a galaxy full of turmoil and terror. After a moment she pulled away, resting one hand of his chest. "I know Love." Kanan had been to relatively cold places, though none as cold and lonely as Alderaan. And honestly, he hadn't felt warmer in his life. 

Author's Note:

  Whew, that took forever! So sorry for the wait; my faithful readers! :) Thank you for returning yet again to read more of my scribbles. I absolutely love this timing in Rebels, it's basically a year or two after A New Dawn; somewhat before they meet Zeb, but not too long. I'll probably write more oneshots around this time XD. I can't help myself. I have a few ideas, so coming soon are:

Pulse Parts 1&2&3: Basicly helping Kanan recover from Mustafar, Hera from Concord Dawn, and one time she tried to recover, but didn't. 

Dark Side Parts 1&2&3 (I might rename this....): Hera's in trouble, and there's only one way to save her; leaving him to admit what he did and tell her a bit more about the Jedi Code that he hadn't told her before.

Your Not So Bad For A Loth Rat Parts 1&2&3: I NEED TO FINISH THIS!!!

See any you'd especially like done? Any suggestions? Remember, you can always send in a request and I'll get started ASAP! 

Thanks So Much For Reading,



Notes, Drabbles, and Oneshots: A Star Wars Rebels Oneshot Request Book [CLOSED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ