"Well.. yes thats why I came here to tell you and give you this"

She took out a small pink box, with a large white bow. I began to pull at the soft ribbon and the box opened and inside was a piece of pink paper. 

'Will you be my bridesmaid 23/12/ 18' 

I scream and jump at her hugging her so tightly

"Yes, yes, yes oh Im so happy for you, you need to tell me everything"

She pulls out a large gold bottle of champagne and 2 glasses

"WOW You really did come prepared" I laughed 

She handed me a glass and raised it up to me and we clinked glasses.

2 Hours later 

"Im sure I am pretty wasted and yet your still standing strong" 

"Ive always been able to hold my drink" I laugh at her 

"1 months and I will be a honest woman to a gorgeous, sexy rich man"

I slid back into the covers and rest my head on the arm rest of the sofa

She picks up the bottle and pours it into her glass but nothing comes out

"Aww shoot all gone"

"Think thats means its bedtime" 

She sighs and rests her head on the sofa closes her eyes

"Do you love him, like really love him"

I sigh and pull the covers up to my neck

"I do"

"Then you should be with him, he makes you happy"

I stare at the ceiling while the  tears start to flow down my face, I then start to hear the gentle snores coming from beside me. I turned over and closed my eyes and try to block him out of my dreams. 

The Next Day

"Fucking hell Mia, is it always this fucking bright in the morning, have you people never heard of blackout blinds" 

I chuckled

"Morning to you too here take  this" 

I hand her a hot cup of coffee and 2 painkillers 

"ugh my head" 

I continued to make some eggs and bacon and hum to the radio. Kourtney then hands me a envelope. 

"I forgot to give you this" 

I hesitantly took the envelope, and wasn't sure what to do with it so I left it on the counter and continued flipping the bacon

"Are you gonna read it?" 


She spins me around and hands me the letter

"Read it now" she pushes me into the bedroom and closes the door. I take a deep breath and began to open it. 


You are my everything. I never believed in love at first sight and I still don't, but ours is probably as close as it can get. It all happened so fast, we happened so fast... But we lasted, and we will last for a long time if it depends on me. I love you. I always have and I always will. If I could put my feelings into one word, I wouldn't be able to do it, because what we have is greater than that. If at times it seems like I don't care about you or about your feelings, I'm sorry. I do care. Every time you are down and troubled and mad or whatever, I feel the same way, but worse because I can't help you. I try but it's just too hard on me sometimes. But always and no matter what, count on me, because I'll be here and I know you know it too. Someday I will marry you and we'll be happy. I'll be yours forever. Alex xxx

I felt my eyes start to well up and my heart break all over again, leaving him was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I needed to. I trace my hand over his handwriting and smell his aftershave on the letter. I put my hand inside the envelope again and Inside is a tiny necklace with a heart and the initials JJ on it. I kiss it and hold onto it tightly sobbing into my hands

"Oh Mia" she wraps her arms around me and i sob into her shoulder.

"I love him, I love him so much it hurts. He gave me this" I show her the necklace. 

"Oh Mia, why are you putting yourself through all this he loves you and you love him" 

I shake my head 

"No I can't" 

"Why Mia, what is it your not telling me?"

She raised her eye brow and crossed her arms 

" I left because I didn't want anymore harm to come to me or to hurt me or us" 

"Who's us? is there someone else?" she asks 

"Im Pregnant" 

Her mouth is wide open, for the first time she is speechless. 

"You have to tell him" 

"No" I bluntly say 

"Im not gonna let any harm come to this baby, I lost one now I can't lose the other please you can't tell him" 

"Mia, that man is falling apart over there and by the looks of it so are you. Why can't you just be happy and with him."

"I tried so hard to have a baby with Brian and it never happened, look what happened to JJ I cannot let any harm  come to us or this baby I need you to promise me you cannot say anything"

"I promise" 

"Good now I've been meaning to ask you something"

I shoved the letter and the necklace into a drawer and make my way back into the kitchen and she followed right behind me 

"I would like you to be my baby god mother" 

He eyes and mouth went wide open and she pulled me into a tight hug while squealing with delight

"Oh Mia thank you thank you thank you"

She jumped up and down the kitchen screaming

"This baby is going to get 5 star treatment and I'm going to be the best God Mother of all time"

I laughed and turned around to continue cooking breakfast. 

"So is there any shops here? Prada? Gucci? I need to buy this child the best of the best"

I laughed so hard I had couldn't catch my breath

"Your in the countryside the nearest thing to shopping is the farmers market"

Her face quickly dropped and she looked down at her shoes which were clearly inappropriate for the day. 

"I guess I will go change"

The Unknown MistressNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ