Chapter 1

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"Gillian, I just can't live here anymore. I pay for two kids with the help of Mike but he has to pay for his 3 kids already, and I work two jobs. I pay for this house and the food and when I'm done paying for that I have no money left. I need to get more money and this is the way to do it. Plus, Mike wants to be closer to his family."

I remember the words and replay them over and over in my head. I know that my mom needs the money and she needs to be home more but I need my friends by my side. I won't have friends if I move. I live in New York. It's a really small town and there is barely anything here. My mom wants to move to some place called Mooresville, North Carolina. That is nine hours from here. I know it isn't that much but leaving your friends and where you've known since you were born is hard.

My family consists of a little brother, my mom, and my step-dad. I have step siblings but I don't know them. "Come on, Gill. Let's go" my mother said as she basically dragged me out the door.
"Maybe I don't want to move"
"Maybe I don't care" my mom said. I walked down the hall to my room and slammed the door. Seeing my empty room made me want to cry. It's never been this empty before. Even when I moved in it wasn't this empty. I opened my bedroom door with the rest of my bags in my hands and then closed it behind me. I walked back down the hall, through the living room and out the door. I put my bags in the car and sat in the passenger seat next to my mom.

This is my life. My new life. The life I know I'll hate. I have so many friends here, so many memories and now they're gone. I have to recreate memories with new people but that will be so much harder than what I had to do in Kindergarten to meet friends. I'm in 10th grade and starting 10th grade at a new school. This should be great.
I got out of the car that I've been sitting in for hours on end. I looked at the house in front of me. It is huge. It has brick stairs walking up to the front porch and there's the door. The door I walked into to start my new life. There is a garage next to the house and when you walk in there is a small hallway that leads to the living room. The kitchen and dining room are next to each other and next to the living room. I have my own bathroom in my room which is nice. It's actually a really great house and town but I still don't like it.

A car pulled in to the house next to me. Two guys got out and they are actually really attractive. They look a little familiar but I could have seen them anywhere. I go inside and bring in the last bags I got from New York and bring them into my new room. I basically settle everything in as much as I can before I'm too tired to stand and I lay on my bed. My eyelids slowly close and I'm asleep.

This girl came up to me and sort of flicked my face. "Ugly slut"
"Um" I didn't know what to say to that. Why are people whispering about me? It's my first day here.
"What? Cat got your tongue? Or does some guy that you don't know?" The girls around her laughed. I didn't understand. I haven't had a boyfriend since I left New York.
"Um, no" I said to the rude girl in front of me. "Can you please just move, you're going to make me late" I excused myself from the girl and she grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me back.
"You don't talk to me like that you stupid little bitch. Understand? Good" she pushed me onto the ground and her and her friends laughed. The sounds of them laughing at me rang through my ears.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. That can't actually happen when I go to school tomorrow could it?
"Gillian!" my mom screamed. I didn't have the energy to answer right now. That didn't stop my mother. "Can you get the mail?" my mom yelled from downstairs.

I got up and got dressed and went out to get the mail. It's only eleven. I have to get prepared for school tomorrow.

The guy next door who wasn't either of the ones I saw yesterday but still extremely hot was getting the mail too. Shit! He looked at me and I was staring at him.
"Uh, hi" he said awkwardly. Our mailboxes are next to each other.
"Hi" I opened the mail box to grab the mail.
"You just moved here, right?" his voice is so cute. I love it.
"Yeah, yesterday" I told him.
"How old are you?" he asked. I'm a little scared to the fact he's asking all these questions when I barely know him. "I'm not trying to sound weird I just want to know if we're in the same grade"
"Really? Me too" he exclaimed. I was hoping this was over with but now I know it's not. Even though he's hot, it's awkward and I don't like meeting new people. "What's your name?"
"I'm Hayes. What school are you going to?"
"Mooresville Central School, nothing special" I answered.
"Oh, I don't go to that school. Well maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.
"Uh, sure" I nodded and started walking towards my house. Even though he probably won't see me tomorrow.

"Hey, wait!" Hayes yelled from his driveway. I looked to him "Want to take a walk?" he asked. I don't know what to say. I don't want to reject him but I don't want to go.
"No, I'm okay right now. I have to finish unpacking" I told him and went inside. I looked at him from my window to see him swinging his lacrosse stick. I finished unpacking and got everything ready for school tomorrow.


I hope that you all enjoy this book there will be a lot of different things in it so yeah i really hope you like it.

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