Goin' For a Swim - Part Two

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Sirius shook his head and held out his hand. "I'm not. That's something that I needed to know. Perhaps I'll send a strongly worded letter...not like I can send a howler. But thank you. Your delivery sucks arse though, but like you said, you're only sixteen."

Remus backed away and nodded and swallowed hard. "Yes."

"And I'm not. I might act like it from time to time, but I'm not." He finally lowered his hand. "And I'm not sorry that I came. I had to see you. To see if what I remembered was true."

"And what's that?"

"You really were quite the hottie." He grinned and his grin grew when Remus's face and chest turned scarlet.

"And now? How about the adult me?"

"Distinguished but in a careless...Professor-y way."


Sirius nodded. "Yeah. You don't take care of yourself like you should. Its like you think you're not worth the effort."

Remus tilted his head. "Isn't that calling the kettle black, though?"

Sirius barked a laugh.

"Tell ya wot, Sirius. What's say that you tell me that if I take a fucking bath, then you'll lay off the sauce?"

Sirius had forgotten exactly how the sixteen year old Remus really was. He was still full of bravado...he hadn't time or life experiences to mellow him. "I haven't had a drink in four days," he said quietly.

"I can still smell it," Remus chided. He hated when Sirius drank...he got stupid and careless. And worse yet, he got mean...


"Yeah. Sherry. Cheap."

Sirius nodded and grinned. "Well, then...how about I bring up the Dom Perignon next time? Will that satisfy your olfactory nerves?"

Remus put his hands on his hips. "You're incorrigible!"

"And you're inconsolable," Sirius countered. "We will get your through this, Remus. I swear it."


"Because Harry needs his parents! Because I want them back too and so do you, your adult self...you're just too damned stubborn to say so! We want all of them, even Peter, the Peter we knew and loved. Not this lackey he's become. And because...because I love you. I always have. It's why I hate to see you so...upset doesn't even begin to cover it...This hurt you more than anyone. All you'll tell me, all I know is that you were obliviated! Obviously, some of it didn't stick!"

"And what about Miss Granger?"

Sirius stared hard him for changing the subject. "What about her?"

"I heard she fancies me..."

Sirius nodded and smiled. "She does. Lots of females do, actually. Even when we were kids, not that you ever noticed. I was always more than prepared to step aside if you found a female that you fancied. But there was only one. And you deferred to Prongs for her affections, didn't you!"

"I never told anybody. " Remus lowered his head. "How did you know?"

"Remus...Come on! It's me. I was always the look out for a reason. Anyway. All the girls loved you."

"No they didn't! They want you!"

Sirius laughed. "No. They were interested in me for my looks. And my money. And my family, such as they were. No. It was you...You were the one they wanted."

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