Midnight Confessions

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Remus was still on a high from having seen his boyfriend as an adult...and then, to learn that they were still together...just made him warm as he descended the stairwell toward the Slytherin common room. He was still lost in thought when he came up on a tall wiry boy with blond hair who was also wearing a prefect badge.

"Who are you," the boy asked harshly.

"No one you need to worry about," Remus said.

"Well, we'll see about that. I know all the prefects in this school and you are not one of them!" He grabbed Remus by his arm quite roughly and pulled him back toward the end of the corridor when they heard a cough from behind them. Draco Malfoy turned to look over his shoulder to see a very large black dog menacingly approaching their position, a low business growl emanating from the underside of the beast...the belly to be exact and Remus watched the boy from the corner of his eyes and then rolled them.

"Ah shite!" He looked at the intruder in his hazel eyes. "Sorry mate, you're on your own!" Draco moved three steps forward and slipped into a darkened sliver of a corridor.

"That won't help you none...it's a dead end," Remus called out with a snigger. Then he turned around to see Padfoot in a perfect sit-stay, with his paw raised as he licked his chops. "I can't believe you," he whispered. Padfoot approached slowly and lowered his ears as Remus sighed. "What are you doing," he whispered. "Wasn't Azkaban enough for you that you're trying to get yourself locked up again...in the pound?"

Padfoot licked at his face.

"Oh come on," he sighed. "I just took a bath! You'll make me all slimy and you know I hate that!"


Remus reached the Gryffindor common room with Padfoot in tow to find Hermione curled up dozing on the sofa with an open book laying haphazardly in her lap.

Padfoot ran to a leaping jump and landed on the sofa next to her and licked her cheek causing the girl to recoil. "EWWW!" She shrank back and gasped when she realized that she was looking into the eyes of Padfoot. Only when she saw Remus standing by with his hands on his hips, did she sigh. "I see he found you?"

Remus nodded. "Obviously. I can't believe you let him in."

"Wouldn't take no for an answer," she replied as she stood and closed the book and lay it on the coffee table situated before the sofa. "Would you," she asked the dog laying on his back wiggling on the sofa, his long tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He rolled over quickly.

Sirius materialized and lay his arms along the back of the sofa and threw his legs up on the table, looking incredibly pleased with himself. "Nope!"

"And now, he's been seen."

Hermione's eyes widened. "By who," she asked.

"I don't know? Some fair-headed boy with a prefect badge."

Hermione closed her eyes and covered her face with her hand. "Ohhhh nooooo...."

"I take it that you know who that is then," Remus asked.

"Draco Malfoy," Sirius whispered with glee as he wrinkled his nose and nodded.

"Malfoy...? Oh, hold on...didn't you tell me not too long ago that one of your cousins married one of the Malfoys who you believed to be a suspected Death Eater?"

Sirius nodded. "Uh huh. He's their kid."

Remus groaned a sigh as he lowered his head.


Remus turned toward the fireplace as Hermione reached to pull him back around to face her. "Don't look, please..."

The man in the floo slid onto the floor and stood up quickly. "Sirius! I can not believe you! You get back home now! This instant! Or I swear I'll lock you up in a crate for a week and sic my boggart on you!"

The Now of Wolf ThoughtOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora