Upward and Onward

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The school day came and went without incident and Remus joined his fellow Gryffindors in the Great Hall for supper. Across the table and down seven seats sat Hermione picking at the food on her plate, stirring the minced meat in a figure-eight pattern. Her face was ashen and Seamus kicked his foot under the table.

"You're starin' mate," he said in a quiet voice and averted his eyes toward the fifth-year girl seated to his left.

"Was I?"

"Yeah," Seamus replied.

"I hadn't noticed."

"Well I did. Most likely others--"

Remus didn't give him a chance to finish. "I read you, loud and clear Seamus. Thanks."

Seamus shrugged his shoulders and shoveled another forkful of minced meat pie in his mouth.

"Got watch tonight then," Dean asked, sipping on his juice.

Remus nodded. "Yeah."

Seamus and Dean eyed the other and nodded. "She does as well," Dean said, motioning with a tilt of his head as he placed his cup on the table.

Remus' eyes widened as he looked at the two boys seated across from him. Then his gaze turned toward Hermione and he felt his face grow hot when he realized that she was staring at him. He found it difficult to keep his facial expression light, but when she smiled at him, he felt his breath leave him. And he smiled too.

Ron heaped a helping of potatoes on her plate and she wrinkled her nose and he pointed at it with his fork. "You have to eat, 'Mione. You're still not well...This won't bother your stomach, so eat."

"Yeah," Harry said in a light tone. "Eat it before he does."

She shook her head, pushing away her plate. "He can have it."

"Suit yourself."Ron sighed heavily as he took her plate and placed it directly over his.

She closed her eyes and smiled.

She rose from her seat on the bench and watched Remus as he unashamedly stared at her. A quick tilt of her head and a slight nod from him was all the notification he needed as he stood.

"G'luck mate," Seamus said.

Remus half smiled and nodded. "Thanks. I think I'll need it."

"Not likely," Dean teased beneath his breath as the young Were fought the grin that was materializing on his face.

Hermione walked slowly toward the large doors, not on purpose but because her body was still weak. Remus stole up behind her and took her arm. "Here, let me help you?"

She sighed and nodded and he was pleased that she didn't fight him off at all.

"I'm surprised Poppy let you out."

"My parents insisted. I've missed too many classes already."

"Yeah but Hermione, your mates can bring your classwork to you--"

She huffed a chuckle and shook her head. "No one takes proper notes."

He nodded, fully aware that the only person in his year who took notes as well as he did was Lily. God forbid she was under the weather when he was incapacitated. He lead her to the stairs and she looked up with dread and shook her head.

"I can't--" she whined.

"Then I'll carry you," he replied in a low voice. "That's what boyfriends do, yes?"

She craned her neck to look up into his eyes and it brought dread to his heart.

"At least as a prefect--"

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