"I'm busy right now."

"I'll add another fifty if you do it now."

"Another hundred, and you can pick me up."

"Are you crazy? You want two hundred fifty?"

"Take it or leave it. You can have Odin do it for four fifty."

"Ah fine. I'll do it."

I told Cain the address of Keith's apartment and hung up. I know he didn't seem to happy with the price, but I wasn't very happy with his request. This was supposed to be time for me and Monika.

Just Monika.

Not me and every fucking side quest of my life.

Ah but nonetheless, I was gonna get it done. And I'd be making a quarter of a thousand, so I guess it was alright.

"Who was that," Monika asked.

"Ah just friend. I'm gonna help him out with something. You can stay here if you'd like."

"Can I go with you?"

I was glad that Monika wanted to come with me. But I didn't know who the Cain wanted me to deal with. For Monika's safety, I'd have to reject her request.

"Shoot, I don't know Monika. I'm not exactly sure what he wants me to do, but I can't exactly guarantee that you'll be safe. I think it's best if you stay here."

"But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"How will I know that you're safe?"

"I'll be fine, Monika. Just stay here, okay? I'll be back and you can text me if you need anything."


She didn't seem happy with my decision, but she wasn't aware that I'd be fighting someone. Unless Cain meant something else when he said he wanted someone to be "dealt with." I'd figure that out later, and prices would also be discussed depending on what he meant.

I went to the living room and waited for Cain to call. After about ten minutes, I got a text from him letting me know that he was outside. I headed outside and saw his lifted pickup truck with wheels that were perfect for off roading.

Except his was a mall crawler, meaning it was perfect for off roading, but it had never been used for it.

I climbed into the large truck and was greeted by Cain.

"Alright, you ready," he asked.

"Yeah, but explain to me exactly what you want me to do."

He started to drive. "Alright, there are some assholes that have been messing with me in school. I really want to fight them myself, but I'm not cut out for it."

N-not cut out for it?!

"What? What do you mean you're not cut out for it? I doubt the majority of people in our school are professional fighters."

"Well, these guys are pretty serious. You see, they like to carry weapons..."

"Wait, what? You didn't tell me that! I could've at least prepared myself, all I got is a switchblade."

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