chapter 3

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People!!!! I am here again for the third chapter. On the second Chapter, we found out that a Lady Devil bit Anarehas' back. Here is here POV. Enjoy!!!!

Lady Devil's POV:

I stare at her since she was here-Tsubaka. It almost kills me seeing her wearing those priceless clothes and the worse is the crown I always dream for. She's skinny and I found nothing extraordinary with her. Why would Anarehas marry a human? What's with her that can't be seen on me? Besides, he has to thank me for making him a deity of Imfierno. I've attracted his opponents and turned them into ashes. 'Now, what shall I do? Kill the bastarda? No, Anarehas would be cursing me and will push me away' I thought.

I cleverly jumped at Anarehas biting his stone-hard back as he gets his claws into the bastarda's chest. He growled and snarled loosing his grip in her body.

"LERKARA!!" he yelled without even looking back. He knew it was me. But he's not that keen to smell me when I'm at his back. I gritted my teeth hugging his back. He's now really powerful that I've fallen to the ground with a great impact. I slid on the muddy corner. My tail was burned from the big bon of fire.I quickly grabbed it and give a generous blow or It'll be burned.

"Easy on the tail!" I yanked licking my poor tail.I glanced at Tsubaka (or should I say bastarda ) puking in pain as she lies on the ground helplessly. I should let her go before the ceremonias will be continued. I was about to bite Anarehas againwhen he quickly stood behind me. His eyes were burning in anger, he holds me through the neck.

"and what do you think you're doing Lerkara?" he huffed and tighten his hold as I kick in the air. I can hardly breathe.

"A-NA-RE-" I tried to calm him but his wrath won't replace my plead. I had a chance to touch his claws so I scratched it leaving red marks to his claws shaking in ache.

"ARRR!!" he roars and yells in such astounding pain. I fell having my balance to the ground breathing with an effort.

"why are you doing this stupidity? I thought you love me?" I purred looking to him with pity and anxiously.

He laughed hardly, "love you? So you thought that was all love? Stupida!! devils never love!" he went near me like a cat cornering a rat. I felt a hot eye like I've never felt before.That's funny, devil cries! "you'd just used me?" I asked eagerly as tears flow and flow. I didn't care, I just let it flow. For all what I've done to him, bruises, cuts and slaps are what I'll going to receive. That's funnier. He pulls me up by holding my tail.

"I've used you Lerkara, I only used you" he uttered straight to my inverted face.

I sighed glaring and smoldering at him. I clenched my fist as I was hung to the air. I felt enough strength to fight him back. I bit him again by twisting my body reaching his neck. Scratched him, kicked him as he looses his balance. I continued to give many bites with a sighnature-I make victims asleep when I bite them and it took me several bites before I made Anarehas close his eyes and sleep. It's done, he falls down. "ARGHHH!!" that was his last shout as he shuts his eyes,

"sweet dreams my baby" I whispered kissing him many times. The bastarda run like an animal out of the door. Tht's good, and never return Tsubaka.


Tsubaka's POV:

I choked and tried to breathe the noxious air. I was lying with my body soared.

The lady devil -Lerkara looks familiar. I've seen her eyes every night. Should I say that she's my savior or worse enemy? Forget it. I should get outta here while they're fighting. I crawled and tittered my teeth as I slowly stood up and run for my life unlocking the door. The bats circled around biting my skin. I shoo them and alas! The door snapped!

I ran barefooted leaving my shoes on somewhere, lifting my gown until I swooped on a tunnel up. I lifted my weight to get up there. The place was pitch dark I ultimately went in as the tiny space had closed. I cursed a lot but I can't do anything. I found a little hole with a translucent light outside, I jumped and punched it as it squeaked a crack.

Shit, water comes down with a great pressure! The hole becomes bigger. I'm drenched and cold until the turbulent water reaches my knees.

"Tsubaka, think, think." I said to myself founding nothing to elevate myself. I looked down.I saw a hook beside the hole. Right-my gown. I stripped it vertically making it to a dress. I tied the strip like a rope to the hook meeting the strong water as I go up. I don't wanna die-not now and not here.


Thanks for reading! Will Tsubaka escape from the tunnel? Or she'll be drowned?

Haha, stay tuned again! Pls. vote!!!! Muahh!!=)

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