"Oh are you copying what Aladdin did for Jasmine?" 

    "No, not completely. Did Aladdin have a picnic with Jasmine on their first date?"


    "Okay then I am not completely copying them." Jay smirked.


    "How did you like the ride? Have you ever rode a magic carpet before?" Jay asked, he held out his hand and helped her off the carpet.

    "Jasmine and Aladdin have taken me and my sister on many magic carpet rides before, so yes I have." Jenna said, Jay frowned and she noticed, "Oh and I did enjoy it."

    "I didn't think about that." Jay breathed. He was silent for a moment but then he came back to reality, "Close your eyes."

    She nodded and closed her eyes. Jay took her hands and lead her to the next destination. Once in a while he asked if Jenna was okay and she nodded. Suddenly he stopped walking and told her to open her eyes. She opened them and she was amazed that someone took the time to do something this nice for her. He laid out a blue blanket on the grass and made all of her favorite foods, he had her favorite song playing in the background, and when she looked to the side she saw Jay knelt on the ground with a rose in his hand.

    "How do you like it?" Jay asked. "Did I do okay?"

    "This is amazing. No one has ever done anything like this for me." Jenna said. She took the rose out of his hand and kissed his cheek. He hugged her then walked her to where she was going to sit on the ground.

    "You deserve all of this. You're an amazing person." Jay replied once they sat down.

    "Thank you." Jenna said. "You're not too bad yourself."

    "Thank you. I guess."

    "So what do you want to know about me?"


    "Can you be more specific?"

    "How was your childhood?"

    "It was okay depending on the day. If I wasn't being trained to be a genie then everything was okay."

    "I would think that being trained to be a genie would be pretty fun."

    "You would think so." Jenna huffed in disappointment. "It was always so challenging and if I would make fun of my sister at all then my dad would ground me to my lamp."

    "How did he ground you to your lamp? How is that a punishment?"

    "First he can just hold up the lamp and the genie who lives in there goes inside. Second have you ever been in a genie lamp? There is barely any space in there."

    "Oh I am sorry."


    After they ate all the food. Jay noticed that Jenna was smiling and swaying to the song that was playing. He smiled at her smiling and held out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

    "Yes you may." Jenna replied, she put her hand in his and he helped her up, "I love this song."

    "I do too."

Put your faith in what you most believe in

Two worlds, one family

Trust your heart

Let fate decide

To guide these lives we see

A paradise untouched by man

Within this world blessed with love

A simple life, they live in peace

Softly tread the sand below your feet now

Two worlds, one family

Trust your heart

Let fate decide

To guide these lives we see

Beneath the shelter of the trees

Only love can enter here

A simple life, they live in peace

Raise your head up

Lift high the load

Take strength from those that need you

Build high the walls

Build strong the beams

A new life is waiting

But danger's no stranger here

No words describe a mother's tears

No words can heal a broken heart

A dream is gone, but where there's hope

Somewhere something is calling for you

Two worlds, one family

Trust your heart

Let fate decide

To guide these lives we see

    While Jenna and Jay were dancing they were getting closer and closer to each other. Jenna could hear Jay's heart beating faster every time he got closer to her, and that made her smile. Someone is actually nervous to be around her and she likes that feeling.

    "Jenna, I think I am-" Jay started mumbling but he cut himself off.

    "You are what?"

    "I think I am-" Jay started to day again but was cut off by someone else.


    Jay and Jenna turned to see someone staring at them.

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