Chapter I

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"Come on, won't you stay the night with me ? Lets go back to my place and have some fun."

He said with a raspy voice and eyes full of lust.

"I'm sorry but I can't baby. My parents will kill me if I don't get home tonight."

Jimin winked at him and pivoted against him grinding his ass against the boy's raging boner one last time before completely pulling himself off him and leaving the dance floor laughing at the poor boy's shocked and frustrated expression. Sure he was a tease and had blatantly lied about his parents being worried about him getting home safely, but what could he do, the said boy was just not his type and Jimin really wanted to get out of that place.

"Okay then sweetie, maybe next time, you can come over."

The boy shouted behind him and Jimin just sighed, thinking how he was just another one of those fuckboys, before turning back half-heartedly and giving him a thumbs up.

"Sure honey."

Another lie. Jimin would definitely never see him again and that boy would probably not even remember him. He was too drunk for that. Jimin took his jacket from where he had dropped it before getting on the dance floor and headed outside the club finally away from that loser and that cramped up place that was probably hotter than hell. He was not too bad a looker, actually he was quite hot but just did not fit into Jimin's standards. Most of the girls and boys or sluts would probably throw themselves at him but Jimin was not one of them, neither was he a slut.

Jimin stepped out into the cool air hugging his jacket closer to his body. It was almost midnight, and Jimin was currently walking down the streets, under the clear starry sky of Busan. Why was he walking at such an odd time in a not-so-great weather ? Well because he had planned on spending some quality time clubbing with his best friend, whom he almost considered as his older brother, Kim Seok Jin, to get his mind off of all the school work and responsibilities. Jimin just wanted get out of his house for once and have a wild and fun night, but his dear friend had already ditched him about an hour ago exiting the club with a rather hot guy to do things that would even make the devil ashamed.

Not his fault actually. Jin was a naturally handsome guy that could have any living thing, that had eyes, that were ever to walk on the face of this planet, to fall down on their knees at just the mere sight of him. What could you say, all in all Kim Seok Jin was a perfect embodiment of the words 'Drop-dead-gorgeous'. Jimin did slightly envy him but his love for him surpassed all of that. As Jimin walked down the street he was busy contemplating if he should head back home and get scolded by, Mr. Lee, his butler or keep walking to nowhere in particular. Speaking of butlers and maids, yes, Jimin had quite a lot of them. Why ? Well that's because he was the second and the youngest son of the richest, most powerful and respected business tycoon's of Busan who was also one of the 10 most influential CEOs in entirety of South Korea.

Great isn't it ? Actually it was not such a big deal for Jimin. Rather he found it very boring and monotonous when he got everything that he asked for without having to wait or beg for it or even argue for it. Whatever it was, he had to just merely mention it and it would be present before him the very next day. His mother was a well known fashion designer which was why Jimin had every new fashion trend in his closet before it was available at the stores. Jimin may have been misusing that advantage to flaunt his very pricey, very sexy outfit collection but, who wouldn't ? Jimin was currently 20 years old and was enjoying every minute of it, kind of. Even with all of this Jimin never took his riches for granted and tried to remain as humble as possible.

Well that was more or less about how Jimin was in person. He was walking and walking with no particular destination in mind, going wherever his feet would take him. After minutes of meaningless wandering Jimin decided to look for any convenience store that was working this late. It was freezing cold outside and Jimin was craving for some hot instant ramen to wake him up a bit and wash down all the traces of remaining alcohol from his system. Jimin didn't have to worry about anyone waiting for him back home because everyone in his family, which included his father, mother and older brother Jihyun, were all practical and literal workaholics. His dad was out for a business meet accompanied by Jihyun hyung and his mom was out for a week to attend some fashion week in Paris.

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