Chapter 11

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1 week later

Jasmine P.O.V
It's been a week since me and Tony haven't talked. And everyday I been trying to escape but I always end up failing.

"Bruno put me down now" I said hitting his back.

"No" he said while taking me to tony's room.

"Tony I caught her trying to escape again" bruno said putting me down.

"Okay , go down staris and cancel my next meeting "Tony said while pouring him some whiskey.

"Okay" Bruno said while walking out the room and closing the door.

"Jasmine,  your hurting my heart every time you try to esc"..."I dont give a fuck" I said while cutting Tony.

"Jasmine, don't cut me of".. "Or what" I said while cutting him off on purpose.

Tony walked towards me and yanked me up from my arm.

"Or I will shove my dick in that pretty mouth of yours "Tony said.  Which cause my eyes  to go wide.

"Now do I make myself clear Tony" said while grabbing my neck. I didn't say nothing.

"Answer me" he said while  tightening his grip on my neck. I nooded my head. He let go of my neck and I fell to the ground catching my breath.

"Now go take a shower and put this on "he said throwing me some clothes.

I got up and went to take a shower.
20mins later I get out the shower and dry off my body and put on the clothes Tony gave me. I felt naked the skirt was to short and the shirt was too tight which made my boobs pop out.

*knock *knock Jasmine Tony said come downstaris when your done bruno said.

"Okay" I said while rolling my eyes. I went downstaris and saw aleast 10  girls wearing the same thing as me just different colors.

I saw lala and went over to her. "Do you know what all this about" I asked lala.

"No but I have a feeling it's not good" lala said while looking at Tony and Bruno talking.

"Ladies welcome" Tony said while smiling. "You all are going to be working for me as maids".  What he can't be serious maids I will not going to work for anybody and sure as hell not a maid. "Now does anybody have anything to say".

"Yeah I do ,why happens if we don't want to work as a maid" I said while frowning at him.

"Well your just going have to find out" he said smiling.

"Okay" I said giving him a fake smile.

"Now I'm going to lay down some rules.Rule #1  you will respect me all times.Rule #2  you call me sir or master Tony. Rule #3  you will do anything I say do at all times. Rule #4 you will get punish if you break any of my rules or try to run away.  Now do I make my self clear" he said.

"Yes Master" Tony all the other girls said expect me and lala.

"Okay now go prepare dinner "he said me and lala and the other girls got up and started heading towards the kitchen." Jasmine , lala come here" he said. Me and lala looked at each other and walked over to Tony.

"Yes" we both said.
"Lala those rules don't apply to you bruno has rules for you but you will respect me" he said while pouring him some whiskey.

"Okay" she said while leaving me and Tony alone.

"Now  those rules will apply to you but I think I need more rules for you" he said while drinking some of his drink.

"What that's not fair" I said while crossing my arms. "I don't care what's fair if you roll your eyes or yell or cut me off I will punish you "he  said while raising his voice a little. 

"Do understand me" Tony said while walking towards me.

"Yes sir" I said trying not to yell at him.

"Good your learning" he said while sipping his drink again.

I turned around and started walking away but I  Tony grab me by my arm and brung me to his chest. "And don't touch or talk to no other man besides me" he said in my ear. "Do you understand me" he said while kissing on my neck.

"Yes sir" I moaned.

"Good girl now go help prepare dinner we have important guess over" he said letting me go.

I walked in the kitchen were all the other girls and lala were cooking.

"What did Tony say" lala said while stirring some food.

"Nothing he just told me not to touch or talk to other men or he will punish me" I said while laughing.

"Uhmm excuse me" some girl said tapping my shoulder.  "Yeah" I said while turning around.

"Can you quit your shit and cook something" the girl yelled at me.

Tony P.O.V
I decided to go check on the girls. I walked into the kitchen.

"Bitch I don't have to cook a got damn thing so fuck off before we have a problem" Jasmine yelled at leah.

"Jasmine!" I yelled.

"What!!!" She yelled back

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