"A tiny human!"

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         An: max is only a couple years old in this like, four. David is still a counselor, a teenage mom when to camp and she accidentally left him alone, but she doesn't care...

        David had returned to the forest once again. He touched the cow skull that sat upon his head and his fingers lingered on the beads and other strange little gifts Daniel had given him. Because the wendigo human hybrid knew that he loved little trinkets. He sighed quietly, he knew today Daniels as going to try and scare him and he really hated it.

      And he did. Daniel jumped up behind him and scared the poor redhead. David almost slashed him and Daniel just let out his little demon laugh. David just smiled at him and they sat together. It was quiet, and the two sat with their clawed hands intertwined.

     They smiled at eachother. Then they got hungry.

    Hunting was some thing they always shared and always enjoyed each others company. They ran after noises in the bushes and brush, Daniel took low ground and David took to the trees and the skies. They ran around until the met up again and ate. They smiled at each other with bloodied teeth.

    Until they heard a small cry from nearby. David, being a bleeding heart, ran over quickly. He saw a tiny Indian black haired boy. David picked him up and brought him to the smaller wendigo. Daniels eyes widened.
      "It's a tiny human!" The blond lightly touched the tiny boy, and the boy glared and seemed to flip him off, but then he laughed cutely.

     "David I don't want to be strange. But can we keep the tiny human?"

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