Pta dads

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   An: no angst, but next chapter be ready. Because it's a highschool AU and it's sole purpose is to rip out hearts. Here's David getting angry at a woman named Helen. I'm using really stereotypical names for PTA moms.

         David and Daniel had been called to a pta meeting. Or more like they were called going, 'David bring your wife, start going to the pta meetings.'

          Daniel got a chuckle from being called the wife, when really it was the other way around. His feminine husband usually did everything a wife did, and Daniel was the husband. But he just chuckled at the call, but David said he'd be at them more often. Daniel opened the pass ever door for David, then got into the he car himself.
        Once they got there, David opened the door for Daniel. They walked in and saw the pta room immediately. Walking over to the room the married couple walked in. Ever mom and begrudging dad of many spoiled children were there, and turned to the duo.
        "So what's the issue?" David asked with a (cute) smile.
        "They are trying to make it mandatory for kids to get vaccinated." Helen, the supreme bitch, crossed her arms.
        "Well to my knowledge they are doing that for a good reason?" Daniel raised an eyebrow.
        "Who are you? We told David to bring his wife, not his freaky brother." Linda stated, eyeing Daniel up suspiciously.
        "This is my husband Linda." David smiled brightly, linking arms with his husband.
        "That's why max has such a poor upbringing. I have heard so much about your son. He's a heathen, causes problems, and teaches other kids swears." Helen sneered.

       "While your comment is noted, he has been getting better, you see I had to take him from an abusive home, while also going through trouble myself. And he has been doing a lot better in school than your spoiled kid, Helen. So next time,  let something intellectual actually come out of your mouth before making those rude comments." David finished, with his smile looking fake. His smile was there, but his eyes said murder. Helen looked taken aback.
         "We don't want you around out kids, we don't want our kids being gay. It's unnatural."
        "So is your hair color but do we comment?" Daniel shot back.
        "You're one to talk, Mr. Bleach blond." Linda shot back.
        "Atleast I don't look like I dyed my hair with blood Linda."
        "Daniel please..." David said barely containing his laughter.
       "Atleast I don't look like I went straight out of a mental asylum!" Linda yelled.
       Daniel went silent, smile fell. David growled. It was the scariest sound the people in that room had ever heard.
     What nobody ever knew was that David was even scarier than Daniel when he got pissed off. Daniel taught him some cool tricks to intimidate, but David knew tricks of his own. Like his creepily calm tone, or his way to make you feel two feet tall, or how to smile like this was your last moment.

       The air got chill. That's what it seemed like when David straightened his feminine body. His lip curled into a terrifying smile, and his eyes got a little wider like Daniels did when he was brainwashed.
      "Don't you dare say that again Linda. Now before I leave let me tell you one last thing before you insult my husband again. I worked for the most dangerous criminal, who is now in a super security holding cell in Guantanamo. I dealt with kids who have stabbed me in the hand repeatedly. I have been hit by a bus and survived multiple times," David did Daniels signature neck crack,
       "I have been through hell and back to keep my son safe. Also I had the crap beaten out of me by two angry adhesive parents, who cracked my ribs and I still won. and last but not leastI have dealt with a highly dangerous cultist. I have also reformed many children, and said cultist. Don't you ever fuck with me or my family again. I won't show up this dumb PTA shit unless you have something actually worth while to say. Got me." David growled again.
       "I have better things to deal with, like taking care of my son, than to have you talk down to my family. Have a good night you unbelievable bigot."  He grabbed Daniel by the hand and he dragged him out. Daniel gave a friendly wave as he was being dragged away.

       "That was hot David." David just chuckled at his husband.
       "Let's get back home to Max."

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