Child David and child Daniel

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   An: thanks again SunsetDaCat. They are now little babs.this is going to be super different from my usual angst. I can't kill off my sons as children. So this is going to be fluffy and mutual pining. And no Daniel isn't a cult leader. Sorry Sunset if this isn't perfect but I made a disney like story. And David never dated BONQUISHA.

     God did David hate this camp. He hated the counselors, they were always too happy (we all know Davey is a little shit). And the campers were also too happy and super annoying. Today they're getting a new camper. Yay, note the sarcasm.
       "Welcome Danny to camp everyone!" The male counselor cheered, the boy who was on the stage was a blond that was taller than David, had blue eyes and wore all white. David already could tell he was going to hate this kid.
        "We are pairing you up with Davey as a tent partner." The female counselor cheered, just like the make counselor.
         "Wait what the fuck?" David said to himself. Surprisingly the counselors heard him.
          "Now Davey you can't use that language. Especially not with a new camper!" David rolled his green eyes. He didn't care. Nobody really did care. He huffed, but kept his mouth shut. The blond boy sat next to the red head.
         "Hello Davey, was it?" He asked carefully, his voice was little lower than David's.
         "Yeah, yeah, yours is Danny. Did they send you over here to get me to be nice to you?" He replied bluntly, and quite rudely.
         "Nope, you just looked lonely. So what's your favorite color?"

      They became friends somehow. They both loved getting into trouble, but Danny was a little more cautious. They shared an interest in the same music. Though Daniel never had seen a movie, or listened to music before then, or even read any good books. So David took it upon himself to make sure Daniel did some of these things, even if he had to kiss up to the counselor. Sometimes he would find himself staring at the taller boy. The taller boy was no doubt pretty in his eyes. But David did not quite grasp The concept of a crush. But he did know that he liked Daniele more than a friend.

     The same thing was happening on Daniels side of the story. Him and David got into shenanigans together, and many time Daniel and David gave each other piggyback rides. It was a childish crush, but Daniel wanted to hug David as more than Friends. He did research and found out that what he felt was a crush, and he liked David in a romantic way.
     But he would be damned if he said something and messed up the whole friendship. They talked and talked, and one day, it came out.
     They had crushes on one another. But it was the last day of camp and they knew that Daniel would come back to camp. They promised to never date anyone until they found the other again. So they hugged, said goodbye frog he last time, and David gave the other a peck on the cheek.

      Years later David found himself looking at Gwen as she said that she hired the extra help. When she opened the door to the new help, she took her vacation days.
      David struggled to find out what was so familiar with the his guy. He knew him from somewhere, but where, he couldn't tell where.

     Daniel saw the red headed man, and thought back to the one year he went to camp. Why did he look so familiar? Was this the boy he had liked when he was younger. He'd have to ask, later but have to ask. If he was the boy, God do he grow up. He was curvy and feminine, had the perfect completion, but he acted so different. He hoped this was him.

    After a few days he looked at the picture he had taken with the boy years ago. It was old and crinkled around the edges but he loved that picture to death. David invited him to have a sleep over in his room. The man was so childish.

    When he walked it it was like walking into another world. He had picture hung everywhere, it's was beautiful. He searched and saw a picture identical to the one her had in his pocket at the moment.
    "Where did you get that picture David?"
     "That one?" He pointed to the photo of the two boys, hands held together, heads leaned to the others, with cute smiles on their faces.
    "That one was when I was younger, I had a crush on that boy in the picture, we made a promise to never date anyone else, and wait to see each other again, it's childish but I have never went back on that promise."
      "Was his name Danny?"
      David looked like he was remembering, and then looked at Daniel. They shared a smile.
      "I knew we would see eachother again."

Dadvid and Danvid ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now