Cute Ghosty Bab

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An: this is a little AU I thought up when I was trying to sleep last night. And I'm going to be honest this will probably be trash, but here's the premise.
"Davey could see ghosts and one day two little ghosts his age began following him around, he didn't mind, and when his parents ask who he's talking to he says his boyfriends. When the ghost boys find out David is abused physically and sexually, they go insidious ghost and get anger."

It was a normal day in the Greenwood household. David's mom Chery was smoking, and his brother was out shooting air soft guns in the backyard. David knew not to ask if he could play, he still had the scars. He sat quietly in his room repeating the word happy over and over. Finally plastering a smile on his face he left his room. Like he suspected, his mom looked at him and held her cigarette out. Grabbing the near by ashtray he let her put it out as he repeated the word happy under his breath. His mom smiled at him genuinely, and kissed his forehead. Which because of the little kiss, smelled like smoke.

When he saw the two ghost hanging in his room, he shrugged it off. The ghosts he saw never really stayed long. So instead of talking, he brushed it off and sat in his bed, having an anxiety attack, he sat quiet.

The ghosts were cool looking though, and they looked his age. He pitied them really, stuck on this shithole of a world even after what should be the sweet release of death, probably sucks.

One had bleach blond hair, was a little bit smaller then him, wore a white shirt with purple stars, and what looked like blood stains, and since he had a spectral tail, David couldn't tell what pants he wore. The bleach blond ghost also had beautifully striking blue eyes.

The next ghost was dirty blond, with brown eyes. He was a little muscular for his age, and he wore a yellow shirt with what looked like a dress shirt underneath. His spectral tail was preventing David from seeing his pants, but David Didn't really care.

Finally the ghosts turned to his eyes. He just nodded at them with tired eyes, as if telling them this can be their house too.

     "You aren't scared of us?"
       David shook his head, "I accept death with open arms, so you could kill me or befriend me and I would be fine with either choice."

        Soon they talked more. The bleach blond ghost boys name was Daniel, and the dirty blond haired boys name was Jasper. They became good friends.


        At school, he had no friends but he now had two ghost friends, and they made his life a little worth while. One kid came up to him while he was conversing with Jasper, while Daniel was off to the side, trying to make David's book bag float.

      "Who are you talking to?"
       "My ghost friends Jasper and Daniel!" Jasper smiled. He continued talking while the little kid looked utterly terrified. He saw why. Daniel was lifting his book bag with a proud smile on, unaware of the little girl who was half way to passing out in front of him.

     David's brother had begun to be a little too touchy once again.  David cringed with every little brush of the arms, or brief touch of the hands when his brother took something from him. Then Daniel got furious for a strange realism. He knew what the brother was like. David told him all about it, and he knew all too well what brothers could do.


        "Teenager age 16 found dead in his home." Read the news lady, where the screen panned over to David and his mom.
       "Poisoning was suspected, teen was found collapsed in a puddle of blood and what looked like purple koolaid. Strangely enough, this looks like the work of a now dead cult leader, who had given the same fate to his nephew. The teenagers name was 'James Greenwood.' Do you, the family have anything to say about this?" She held the microphone over to David and his mom.

      "I will miss my son dearly, he was a sweet boy. Loved airsoft guns, movies, hanging out with friends and he loved hanging out and spending time with his little brother." His mom began to cry. While David remained stone faced, while trying not to laugh at the funny faces Danny and Jasper were making at him behind the lady.

      The lady held the mike to his face, probably expecting a crying child to sell views, "me and James weren't close. And we did not hang out except when he was especially feeling in the mood, or wanting to use me for target practice. Danny stop! And he wasn't a sweet boy, and I won't miss him." When he jus led in and told Danny to stop the lady looked where he was looking. The turned and saw flashes of white, blue, purple, yellow, and a small bit of red. But it was only a foggy figure. But the news went nuts and everyone wanted interviews  with David.

        Jasper and Daniel made sure to pull pranks on the people who bothered him. And soon whenever someone is mean, they give them a terrible night to remember.

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