Yet another chapter: the sketchbook

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     An: thank you for requesting. This is set in high school. And it's a danvid.

          To describe Daniels sketches, you could use the words brilliant, beautiful, lifelike, and kind of strange. But what he drew was a whole other story, he had pages of original art, that he had sold some copies, that's how good they were, but the amount of times Daniel Young drew David Greenwood was unnatural.

         If you asked why he wouldn't tell you the reason. He would just say that David was easy to practice and was an easy sketch. He would not however, tell you that he thought David was perfect in every way. The way his face lined up, the way he had a more feminine body structure. The way the teen moved his hips. His lips were not too big or small, his eyes were like a deep forest that Daniel got lost in, and some time made him not want to kill every zeemug forsaken teenager at this school.

      He wouldn't tell anyone that he loved the way the other male spoke, the way it sounded like honey and a crackling fire. The way his singing made Daniels heart leap out of is throat, the way the other treated people. He was polite, he was gentle and caring, he could bake, loved the outdoors and nature, and forgave everyone too easily in Daniels opinion.

     But the day his sketchbook went missing he regretted loving the other so much. He couldn't find the book full of his precious art anywhere. He searched the lost and found, the hallways, each and every teacher was asked if they had seen it. And many people where also asked if they could help him find it.  Even if meant they might look through it.

   When he found the sketchbook in the hands of one of the most gossipy, rude, and all around evil bully in school, the lanky teen was in rage, and quite a bit of fear.
         "Give that back!" He said in his most terrifying voice possible. That didn't seem to scare the bully, who would be scared of the lanky and bookish nerd. He did his signature neck crack to try to intimidate the older teen. That only made the teen laugh.
     "Let's see what's in here that little blondie wants back so horribly bad." The sketchbook was looked through and he even described many of the sketches, he hadn't got to the section of David yet, and Daniel was fighting his way through a crowd to get it back. Then he could tell the bully gotten to the object of his affections.
      "Looks like tall ass here has a crush on the freaky nature boy." He looked through more of his drawings describing the details and many people snicker and whispered variations of 'queer', 'gay', and (I hate this word and never want to use it again but please bare with me it hurts me just as much as y'all) 'faggot."

    Daniel growled, but he was terrified. That's when he spotted the red head that he loved so much. The red head walked straight up to the bully, and socked him in the nose. The little curvy femme boy had brought down Goliath. He grabbed the sketchbook and returned it to Daniel.

      "If you wan to draw me so much maybe we could meet up somewhere alright." The curvy read head smiled cutely at Daniel.
      "Are you offering me a date?"
       "Was it that obvious?"

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