Tango Jasper

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An: Listen To the song up above then read. It makes things a lot easier to understand. Maureen is now Jasper. David is the girl part and Daniel is the boy part. Now listen to the song, then read. This has a twist. It becomes danvid.

        "He cheated!" David sang, dancing with the one person he never thought he would
        "He cheated!" Daniel sang, dipping David, the one guy he'd never expect to be dancing with.
        "Jasper cheated!"
        "Fuckin' cheated!"

    They sang in sync. Both angry. They had been dating jasper, not in a polyamory way. Jasper was cheating on both of them with the other.
     To be fair, David had always been a little jealous of Daniel, smart, cunning, kind, and not to forget handsome. While he was always on the feminine side of body structures. He stared at the man in front of him. They danced together perfectly

      Daniel was always feeling left out by jasper. But when he met David. Well he wanted noting to do with the sweet and kind man. Until he found out how much he actually liked his company.

      They tangoed together, waiting for jasper to come and see them singing and dancing, maybe he would know the pain. Maybe he would confront them. But David and Daniel had a plan. Soon before they sang again. They looked into each other's eyes, and smiled, evilly, but they smiled.

     Soon David and Daniel would get to close. And they kissed. He was so happy, that they didn't even notice jasper staring in the doorway, shocked and seemingly sad.

    "You cheated on both of us. So now we showed you your own medicine." Daniel tutted.
    "You acted like you owned us." David glared.
   "So now we dump you." They said in unison, pushing him out of the door.

    "That felt good."
     "Yeah, now I can finish what I wanted to."

They kissed again.

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