The forest Sprite, and the Fae

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              An: you'll just have to read to find out alright??  (And yes witch stuff because author is invested). Also author is now invested in short cult man, and cult man who likes makeup.

       Daniel was a lot less than normal. He practiced witchcraft and potions and spells, even in a world of mundane people.  He practiced his craft in a world of narrow minded people. He was going to set up faerie circles in the forest and leave offerings for the creatures, and the God and goddess. Daniel had his bag equipped with dollhouse furniture and tea bags with ginger and herbs for offerings.

      When he got to the center of the woods he sat out the dollhouse furniture and put little cushions and pillows and sugar water to sooth the Fae. He also set crystals out for them to look at. Setting out his movable alter he sighed and meditated.

      Minutes later Daniel felt a pull at his energy, he turned and saw a a feminine and beautiful forest Sprite. The Sprite had deer horns and ears, a roundish face, with bright red hair. Daniel felt almost unworthy, but the Sprite walked forward. The Sprite wore a skirt like thing around his waist, and walked forward.

     Finally the Sprite stood close to where Daniel sat, and he kneeled down to Daniels level. The sprites head cocked to the side, as if assessing Daniels worth. Finally a smile broke onto his face. He had ethereal green eyes, and the world seemed to stop.

     "Hello, Mr. Witch." The Sprite said kindly.
      "Hello, forest Sprite." The Sprite laughed at Daniels awe stuck face.
     "I am a Fae forest Sprite silly. But my name is David." The smile on his face was kindly and sweet. Daniel knew Fae were notorious for their demand of respect, and that you should never give your real name to one. Names have power.
    "I am a dark witch, and you can call me Dark." David grinned.
     "You are very smart in your practices! First person to not give me their real name." He grinned even more, leaping up, he held out his hand.
    Daniel took it, "I accept your assistance." David grinned more at the smart witch in front of him.
    They walked through the woods and David still tried to trip Daniel up every once in a while, but Daniel was smart.

    Soon this was a common occurrence, to see the Fae forest Sprite  and the brightly colored witch walking and laughing. Soon David had gotten Daniels trust and Daniel accidentally gave his name.

      David did not harm him once, and soon they fell in love. The older for Fae approved of David's choice, even if it was, a lowly mortal witch, but they approved because of how long he went without giving anything away.

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