"Dad are you ok?"

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        An: more sad dadvid...

     David came back from yet another one of his many therapist meetings. He felt a little better, but the list of his mental illnesses have grown longer and longer.

David sighed. He grinned through his fear. But he continued through the day.

He smiled through out the day, and he picked up max from school to go to camp Campbell. He smiled and talked to max about his school day. Max didn't want to go to camp, but he didn't make it known, because he was starting to find out about his dad's secret meeting with different therapists. He knew he wasn't really a stable person but he loved his dad. So he kept quiet.


     The camp had all the same kids and more. He smiled quietly, but he still heard the words of the counselor.

    "Take one of each of these four pills, four everyday."
     "Never have too much stress put on you."
     "Have a stress ball with you at all times."
     "Don't forget your pills."
     "Remember your breathing practices."

    He never really knew his childhood would screw him up this bad. He saw Gwen and smiled and waved. She waved back as well.

      He walked around and just tried to make a mental note of his surroundings just in case he needed to. Finally he grasped at his arms, as if was cold.

    Weeks later

       David was on his last straw. His hand was grasping at a stress ball shaped like a tree. Max had gotten it for him and he lived it to death. A sense of calm came through his system. Sighing deeply, he laid down in the middle on the ground. It wasn't too bad. It was only a few rocks pushing on his back. The feeling of unending dread finally ceased while he laid on the ground.

     He got up after what seemed like forever. And he walked back to the he camp and he s,lied and waved as the quarter master was bringing their last camper for the season. He walked closer and the kid walked out and smiled and waved back at him. Finally a sweet kid.

      Though the sweet kid would be influenced by Nurf.

      He didn't really know what was going on until he felt everything inside him drop. He dropped. His emotions where like a whirlwind that he had never seen until now.

     An Anxiety attack began, then a panic attack, then an eternal dread that he had always felt. His breath quickened and his eyes teared up while the sounds that we're going to escape his throat David kept down. Max knew what was happening and went to his dad and asked if he was in the state for hugs. He was and Max hugged his dad.

     Max started saying nice things and reassuring his dad. David finally calmed down, and max walked the weak man back to his room.

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