Chapter Seven

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Seven
Rose's POV & Jayden's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

He was... beautiful.

Like the finest sculpture of a Greek God.

He looked like himself but... different. Older... Sadder...

He had a scar above his eyebrow and that same eye looked like it was recovering from a bruise. My face tingled and tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over and streak down my face... but I couldn't look away.

Something else, besides shock, was buried in his eyes that I didn't want to acknowledge but I had to. It was pain... Soul shaking pain... and I hated it.

My body responded to him immediately, recognizing the way he feels and begging for more. My hands gripped his arms and I couldn't help but slid them up his biceps to make sure he was real, really standing here in front of me.

"Jayden," I managed to say barely above a whisper.

As if I was a burning flaming and touching me was painful, he dropped his hands and let me go. He took a step away but his eyes never left mine. They were filled with such sadness. My heart ached. Feeling cold where his hands just were.

"Mommy, who's that?"

What do I say? How do I answer that question? He's just an old friend baby, don't worry about it...?

Jayden's eyebrows knitted together in confusion and for the first time his eyes tore from mine just to land on the curly haired little boy who just called me mommy and who was also piggy back riding on Josh's back. Jayden's eyes shifted from mine, Josh's and JJ's and back again. I can tell he was confused and rightfully so.

"Wellp, this just got real fucking awkward," Jason murmured, adding to the awkwardness.

I could feel Jayden's eyes burning holes into my face again causing my tears to blur my vision. I couldn't stand here and keep my sanity under his scrutiny. He brought back too many emotions. Too many things to feel all at once and so quickly. I couldn't take it.

I quickly took JJ from Josh and put him on my hip. "Where we goin' mommy?" I ignored him and ran away. "Bye bye!" JJ shouted and waved to the men that I just left behind.

My life as I knew it was about to change. I could feel it in my bones and I'm terrified!

I'm not ready for this...



My heart stopped...

And I mean really stopped. The beating organ in my chest stopped thumping for a second.

Whatever preparation for this day I'd done wasn't enough.

The brown eyed beauty that haunted my dreams and nightmares was staring right back at me.

We collided, neither one of us paying attention to where we were walking. My hands flew out on instinct to catch the stranger.

This was awkward so I was going to announce my apologies and continue on my way. That's what I should've done. But it was her...


The girl, now a woman, who ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it with a hulk sized foot.

My skin heated and I'm sure my tan skin turned red. My hands unintentionally clenched into fists where I held her on either side of her waist.

So many emotions came to the surface each of them fighting for dominance. I'm angry, pissed the fuck off at her. I'm relieved to finally see her... I hate her, but I missed her... I'm confused because I don't know what to feel or how to properly feel all of these things all at once, but most of all... I'm hurt... Because all I see is the girl who told me how much she loved me while I was deep inside her the very last time I saw her face.

Her hand slid up my biceps and I wanted to pull her even closer and my hands tingled as if to tell me to do just that. To never let her go ever again... to never leave me again...

"Jayden..." It wasn't a question and I wanted to close my eyes and relish in the sweet sound of my name coming from her beautiful mouth.

The sound something I could never forget no matter how many times I tried to. 

Tears welled up in her eyes and in the deepest parts of my soul, I wanted to kiss her forehead, wipe her tears and tell her not to cry. Not to worry because I'm here now...

The worst part this was that I couldn't do that... because she's not mine and nothing about this situation is okay.

I quickly released her and stepped back. Folding my arms across my chest to stop myself from reaching back out for her.

I had no right to touch her... Anymore.

"Mommy, who's that?" I heard a little voice ask.

With knitted eyebrows, I immediately snapped my head to the little voice. A little boy sat on Josh's shoulders. Curly blondish hair and bright grayish eyes with hints of blue in them. His skin color almond brown with. Cute button nose. The kid is clearly biracial... Another thing is very clear too... He belongs to Rose.

I my eyes flickered from the boys to Rose, to Josh and back to the boys face. I think I did that two more time before I even allowed myself to think that fucking Josh... impregnated my Rose...

Not your Rose you fucking idiot... My conscience brutally reminded me.

So they're together now... I always knew Josh had feelings for her. I just never imagined that she would have them for him too. What if she left me for him?

I glanced at the again and then glared at Josh.

Yeah... That seems likely...

"Wellp, this just got real fucking awkward," Jason mumbled under his breath but we all heard him anyway.

I hadn't even noticed him standing there until now. My mind was spinning and my heart was about to beat out of my chest. This situation was too much for all of us. I could see how uncomfortable everyone felt and I hoped they knew this sucked for me too.

Rose's eyes never left my face and once we locked eyes again, I could tell she was beginning to freak out. Her breathing increased and tears spill over and down her face. She quickly grabbed the little boy from Josh and put him on her hip.

"Where we goin' mommy?" The little boy asked his words cute and small.

Rose ignored him. She just began speed walking away.

"Bye bye!" The boy shouted, only fueling Rose to start running.

It was she couldn't get away from me fast enough... but I'm not surprised. This is what she does best, right? Run away...

"Oh shit, what do I do?" Jason panicked. "I gotta call mom!" He pulled out his phone from his pocket but froze. "Wait, No. I'm a grown ass man. I can handle this," he began to go after her but stopped. "Fuck that, I'm calling mommy," he paused again, thinking about what to do. "Josh go get Rose," he ordered. "I have to tell my mom what's going on."

"Why can't you go after her? Scared of your little sister?" Josh mocked with a shake of his head and I just glared at him.

It's something about him that's pissing me off. Nothing about this situation is funny and right now, I wanted nothing more than to punch him in his stupid fucking face and watch the blood spill from his nose...

Before I could act on those violent thoughts, Josh took off after Rose.

"I'm not scared and respect my gangster fam!" Jason yelled after Josh's retreating form and received multiple looks from passerby's.

Jason didn't give a fuck about what other people thought of him. He never did

Jason shot out a text then stuffed his phone in his pocket. Then with arms crossed over his chest and glaring, he faced me. Matching my stance.

For what seemed like a long moment, we sized each other up...

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