Finally awake

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Tori's POV

Have you ever seen a movie or a tv show where someone wakes up in the hospital, and they have no clue where they are and start freaking out? That was probably the complete opposite of me. Hunter was snoozing in his seat next to my bed. I grabbed the flowers from the bed side table out of their vase and started whacking Hunter, once yelling his name failed. He jerked from his slumped position.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" he screamed when I continuously whacked him in the face. I couldn't help but start laughing. That's when the extreme pain burst through my body.

"Ouch.." I said frowning at my body and it's weird shots of pain sprung through my body.

"You okay Tor?" Hunter asked getting up and lightly pushing me back so he could take a look at me.

"Yeah I'm fine but Hunter?"


"Come closer.."

"What?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I need to tell you something."

"I don't know... I don't exactly trust you Payton.."

"Come closer or I'll scream rape." I said casually and Hunter scoffed but came closer.

"Closer." Hunter just rolled his eyes but did as I said. His ear was right next to my ear when I screamed.

"I WANT FOOOOOOD!" Hunter jumped at how loud I was and ended up on the ground as I started cracking up on my hospital bed.

"When you get outta here, I swear me and Damon are gonna-" Then he stopped. "Damon!" He said suddenly scrambling for his phone on the chair where he had been sleeping. He started punching in a number and waited for it to stop ringing."Hey Damon...yep she just woke up!" He said putting emphasis on just. I chuckled lightly and he hung up after a few more minutes.
"Hey Hunter?"
"I still want some food." I said, he just chuckled and  raked his hand through his bed-messy hair.
"Alright, I'm ordering a pizza." He said taking out his phone.
"Wait how do you plan on ordering a pizza to be delivered in a hospital?"
"I call. They deliver. I receive. We eat." He said making the duh sound. I rolled my eyes at him but didn't comment. Ten minutes later, Hunter left to get the pizza, for him to only be replaced by Damon. He came in the room and was breathing heavily like he had just run 12 miles without stopping.
"Damon?" I said, or more like breathed it.
"Tori!" He said running to me and wrapping me in his arms. He began kissing my face as though I may disappear at any moment. I grinned at him and than Damon was hovering over me. He leaned down at an agonizingly slow pace and touched his lips to mine. He kissed me with such force that I didn't even hear the door open. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lacing my fingers into his hair. He gripped my hips to his body and didn't pull apart until we heard someone begin yelling things from behind us. I looked up to see Hunter holding a slice of pizza in one hand and a box of pizza in the other. His eyes were wide and his mouth could easily be catching flies. I chuckled and lightly pushed Damon off of me. He got off and smirked at Hunter's expression. He finally got out of his weird daze and put the pizza down and walked up to my bed.
"I want a kiss." Hunter demanded. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not dating you Hunter."
"You don't even love Damon! Just give me a kiss." He said puckering his lips and making kissy sounds.
"I'm dating Damon, Hunter. I'm not just gonna give you a kiss."
"A peck?" Hunter asked hopefully. I sighed.
"On the cheek and that's it." I leaned down to give him a kiss and he turned his head, receiving one on the lips.
"Hunter!" I yelled swatting his arm.
"What?" He said innocently.
"Hunter." Damon said in a low and threatening voice. Hunter took of running down the hall with Damon on his tail and I laughed at them. I grabbed the rest of the pizza box and devoured the rest of the 6 pieces on my own. They returned 20 minutes later, Hunter rubbing his arm and frowning at Damon, while Damon had a winning smile on his face. Hunter opened his box and took one look at me, gawking.
"Did you eat all this?!" He exclaimed. I grinned and nodded.
"Why?!?!" He screamed in annoyance.
"I told you I was hungry! Don't blame me! I was out for how long?" I asked Damon.
"About 9 hours."
"See! 9 hours with no food? Yeah I'm gonna eat 3 quarters of a pizza." I said in the same duh tone he used earlier on me. I continued watching whatever was on tv. Little did I know, later I was going to be having a very serious chat...

Like? It's almost over! Then I'll be uploading another book, I havejust started writing. Look for That's Just How It Goes. Thank you!

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