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Damon's POV

I looked up to dad. My dad? He had a cold look in his eyes and Tori quickly moved away from me, an adorable blush moving to her face.
"Hello Damon." He said to me and I just nodded. "Who's this?" he asked frowning at Tori who looked pretty intimidated.
"Tori Payton." She answered and stuck her hand out in an attempt to be polite, but was only ignored when my father took his eyes of her and to me.
"Why are you in the hospital?"
"Car crash." I said, shrugging.
"Don't act like it was no big deal, you could have died!"
"Why on Earth would you care?!" I screamed right back at him.
"I'm your father!"
"So?! You left me you asshole! You and mom! How do you think I feel? Being ditched like that?" My dad went silent, turned and left the room with a slam of the door.
"I'm sorry." I immediately I apologized to Tori.
"No problem." She said shaking her head.
"Hey Tor?"
"Mm?" She asked when I turned my head to face me.
"The day of the crash..."
"Yeah?" She asked cocking her head slightly.
"Why did you tell me to forget you?"
"I was nervous!" She suddenly blurted out then wrapped a hand around her mouth, her eyes wide.
"Nervous?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. She just nodded, not meeting my eyes. "Now why would you be nervous?" I asked, grinning. She just shrugged and tried stepping away from me. I took her waist and brought it to mine. I felt her breath catch as I leaned down to her ear. "Now what or....who....would make you nervous?" I asked grinning like a mad man. She gulped.
"Tori I make you nervous?" I asked and she bit her lip and shook her head. An obvious sign she was lying. I backed up a little so she could breath correctly.
"So you told me to forget you...?"
"So I wouldn't get close to you."
"I think it's a bit late for that babe." I said chuckling. She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.
"My name is Tori." she murmured as she walked back to her hospital bed. I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"And my name is Damon. Thanks for clearing that up babe." I said winking at her. She blushed lightly, but stopped suddenly when the door swung open. A man about my height walked in and gave Tori a crooked grin.
"Hey hey!" He yelled, and Tori got up and hugged him.
"Hey Ben." (Yes I it was the first name to come to mind so don't go freaking out... (: )
"Tori! I heard what happened. You okay?" He asked worriedly. I found myself clearing my throat, along with glaring at this Ben kid.
"Hey. Oh you must be Damon!" He said and held out a hand for me to shake. I just crossed my arms over my chest.
"Damon, this is Ben, my step brother." Tori said and it hit me. I sighed and shook Ben's hand.
"Sorry." I apologized to Ben weakly. He nodded his head in understanding.
"No problem." He grinned and wrapped his arm around Tori's shoulders. "So Tor. I'll be breaking you outta here in a few days. As long as your safe with this guy, I'll probably not check up too often. Kay?" He asked and she nodded her head.
"Thanks Ben."
"Love ya Tori!" He said, ruffling her hair as he turned to leave.
"Bye!" She gave a short wave then turned to me. "So..."
"So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You seemed pretty jealous." She said grinning. I frowned.
"I wasn't jealous." Lies. I was absolutely jealous. But to tell Tori that? Well that would go straight to her pretty little head. Yeah no way in hell.
"I think you were." She said grinning.
"Yeah no."
"No!" I yelled when the beach blonde nurse came in and glared at Tori.
"Hey! Young lady! We have other patients, so could you keep it down?" She didn't even wait for an answer, just slammed the door. Tori stood their dumb-founded.
"Yeah Tori." I said shaking my head, mocking her. She rolled her eyes and sat on her bed and turned on the tv. She flipped through the channels until it stopped on The Bachelor. I groaned.
"Anything but this!" I exclaimed.
"Aw come on! It's interesting!" She said. I got up and motioned for her to scoot over on her bed. She did as she was told and I wrapped an arm around her as we watched the show together. (No matter how dumb I thought it was) I guess that's what you do when you are a good boyfriend. Whoa. Boyfriend...I like the sound of that. I grinned as Tori slowly passes out on my shoulder.

Cute, huh?:D haha I'll upload soon!

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