Up close and pesonal

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Tori's POV

I would have never guessed. I would have never guessed in my wildest dreams, that Damon Cahill would stand before me and tell me of his dead sister. I was at a loss for words. Tears were threatening my eyes, wanting to spill over. I looked at Damon as he looked at me.
"I don't know what to say." I said.
"Please don't say you're sorry. I can't take hearing that." Damon said sadly.
"I won't. Damon, I didn't know about Leslie...I wish I had." I said. Damon's face lifted lightly, he looked at me and have me a small sad smile.
"She was such a nice person. Always cheerful and forgiving of others. At the same time he was tough. It surprised me that she....yeah it surprised me she left. I knew of her as so strong." There was a pause and Damon started again. "I was at the party. I saw them pushing her around, but at first I thought it was just them playing around but then I saw Leslie crying. I went after her but the girls were faster. I heard Leslie praying and I knew what would happen next. I broke down the door and I saw her. She kept off the balcony. I collapsed in tears." He said, starting to cry as he said the few last sentences. My eyes widened. Damon? Crying? If you told me that Damon Cahill would be crying in my arms about his dead sister a few days ago I would have laughed until I cried, then peed my pants. I rubbed his back, soothingly. He leaned down and buried his head in the crook of my neck. He brought me close to him and we just stood there for a few moments.
"I didn't mean to bring Leslie up, Damon. Please don't be upset." I said, careful to dodge the words 'I'm sorry'.
"Thanks Tori." Damon said, looking at me. "No one hears about this though. Got it?" He said, serious. I just nodded.
"No of course not. My lips are sealed." I said making the gesture with my hand to zip my lips. He raised an eyebrow at my actions, then wiped away his tears. He picked up the shorts he was about to put on and slipped them on, then grabbed a shirt randomly in the bucket full of clothes. I stifled a laugh but Damon caught me laughing.
"What's so funny?" He said imitating me from earlier and putting his hands on his hips. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Your shirt dummy." I said rolling my eyes. Damon looked down and saw the shirt said-"Don't worry Pluto, I'm not a planet either." Damon looked up and he broke out in a smile. A real genuine smile.
"That's actually pretty funny." Damon said chuckling.
"You look so dumb in that shirt." I said  laughing along with him. Damon stopped and looked at me incredulously.
"I looking freakin' hot in this shirt, don't you start spreading rumors." Damon said wagging his finger at me. I laughed again, then toppled to the floor, clutching my stomach. Damon started laughing at me, and then once we had somewhat sobered up, Damon offered me his hand and pulled me to my feet. He brought me to his chest and grinned at me.
"You have a cute nose." Damon said suddenly, making me look down and blush. Wait...blush?! What's happening to me? I'm not going soft am I? Damon gave me a cute boyish grin.
"Tori why are you so shy all of a sudden?" He asked tilting his head to look me in the eye. His blue eyes making me look up, but I instantly regretted it, when I couldn't look away.
"I-I'm not shy." I said, cursing myself for stuttering.
"Oh really?" Damon said moving his face closer to mine, making me catch my breath. His eyes held me captive. Damon's hands were tightly held around my waist and he stared at me intently. His warm breath was fanning across my face, making me feel light headed and dizzy.
"Yeah." I said, not strong enough to mean anything.
"Tori am I effecting you with our closeness?" He asked me, letting his grin grow. I tried shaking my head but I was having a hard time leaving his eyes, so I whispered a 'no'. He grinned at me then moved so our foreheads were touching. I tried finding my voice and at first it came out almost hoarse.
"I don't think you want me to."
"Move." I said a little more forcefully, but I was still so weak in his arms.
"Tori tell me right now, do you want me to move?" He asked, taking one of his hands and brushing a stray hair from my eyes. I couldn't muster an answer, because my head was so dizzy. Damon leaned down and placed a peck on my lips. An electric current shot through my body. My voice then came out.
"Move Damon." I said. Damon looked surprised but did as I said. I backed up and began catching my breath, that I hadn't known I had been holding. I backed up out of the room, and when I left, I sprinted down the hallway and to the library. I sat in a corner, rocking myself. I can't fall for him. I can't fall for Damon Cahill like all the other sluts at our school.
"Tori?" I looked up to see Damon.
"What?" I said not looking at him, and mentally slapping myself for sounding to weak.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...um kiss you. You know if that counts as a kiss...." Damon said trailing off. He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. I couldn't believe that Damon had just said sorry to me. He sat down next to me, and we just sat there for a little while in a comfortable silence. It as unlike any other silence. Usually it would be awkward, but it was just a nice silence. That's of course, when all hell broke loose. I started crying and Damon just looked at me, unsure of what to do.
"Tori?" He said putting a hand on my back. "Tori?" He asked again but I just continued crying. He slowly rubbed circles on my back, comforting me. "Shhh Tori. It's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here, everything will be fine. Just relax." Damon said. I found myself burying my head in his chest and him wrapping his arms around me, still rubbing my back soothingly. He kissed my forehead and murmured comforting words to me until I fell asleep in his arms.

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