Down fall

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Hunter's POV

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I heard Tori's cousin in the background right before the line clicked dead. I ran to my car and began racing toward Ken's park on the other side of town. I pulled up and started running as fast as I could. I just hope I'm not too late.

Tori's POV

"Ben back up!"
"Why Tor? You scared?" he asked cocking his head, mocking me. I punched him in the face as hard as I could and he let out a grunt of pain. I kicked his stomach and took off running, trying to get away from that house. I gripped the cold metal of the door handle and took off running through the woods. It's like my adrenaline started pumping as soon as I heard footsteps behind me. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I turned around to see if Ben was close, yeah big mistake. I landed face first on the ground, tripping over a root. I tried to get back up but was pushed back on the ground. I glanced up to see Ben glaring at me.
"Hey Benney boy..." I murmured, trying to figure a way out.
"Tori, you always were a stubborn one. Too bad, if you break up with Damon you know we could spend the rest of our lives together." I spit in his face.
"Yeah fuck that. I'd rather be dead." I said, realizing that was a mistake when that landed me a slap across the face. I grimaced at the pain, that was gonna be bruised in the morning. Yeah if you make it that long. I thought, realizing Ben could just kill me. What was he waiting for? My invitation?
"Just kill me you mother fucker."
"Now Tori, you don't wonna be so hasty. I figure, we can have some fun, before we have to think about your 'tragic end'." He said, shrugging as if being murdered was no big deal.
"What do you mean having some fun...?" I asked slowly, fearing my answer.
"The dirty dead? Loss of innocence? Getting rid of your V-card? Whatever you wonna call it." He said rolling his eyes, as though it were obvious. I felt tears swell up in my eyes.
"You're going to rape me..." I choked out, realization hitting me hard. He shrugged. Suddenly there was a growl from behind us.
"Get your fucking hands off of her."
"Damon?" I asked, astonished. How did he know?
"Damon!" There was a yell and Hunter came up behind him. Ben had me held at knife point, standing in front of the two boys.
"Come closer and I'll slit her throat." Ben said, not breaking eyes contact with either of them.
"Ben put the knife down." Hunter said, his voice dead serious.
"No. Either I have Tori, or no one does."
"Fuck off bastard!" Damon growled in fury.
"Damon he's serious. Don't provoke him!" I choked out, even with the knife so close to me.
"Yeah Damon listen to your girlfriend." Ben said smirking. Hunter put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

Third person POV

"Police! Put your hands up!" Everyone looked up to see a helicopter, dropping a light down on the scene below. More specifically, on Ben and Tori. "Drop the girl!" Another man shouted, coming from behind Damon and Hunter with there guns raised.
"I'll kill her!" Ben screeched.
"If I can't have her no one can!" Ben screamed. There was a shot and Ben fell to the ground. Not before slicing through the thin skin on Tori's throat. She gasped as she fell to the ground, trying to breath. The world began spinning and she was out cold.

Damon's POV
I ran to Tori's side, just as her eyes shut. If only I had known. Ben was always just too nice. I knew something was off about him. How could I have missed that he was a maniac in disguise?
"Tori!" I shouted. "Some one call an ambulance! My girlfriend's going to die!" I screamed. Paramedics began rushing in and putting her on a stretcher. I held her hand the whole way, not wanting to let her go. I had a hard time convincing them to let me ride in the ambulance but I wouldn't take no for an answer. I stroked her hand as the siren blared outside. My eyes never left her until we got to the hospital. They wouldn't let me pass to see her, since she had to immediately go into surgery. Hunter came at one point, making me sit down and relaxing me. I never did leave the hospital. I sat in that stiff hospital chair, not wanting to leave her side, incase they finally allowed visitors and I could see her. Besides to get some snacks from the vending machine, or to go to the bathroom, I didn't leave me spot in that chair. Just hoping she would wakeup.
"Tori Payton. Is she available to see yet?" I asked impatiently for the 12th time in the last 3 hours. The lady at the desk looked over at me.
"Yes but only family members." She said rolling her eyes.
"Her only family member tried to kill her! I'm her boyfriend! Let me see her. Please!" I begged. The girl sighed and typed something on the computer before turning to me again.
"Listen, she's still sleeping and you can only go when she is awake. She will be in about 4 hours. I suggest you go home, take a shower and then come back. Until than, there's nothing I can do to let you see her." She finished and I just nodded weakly. I sighed and sat back in my chair.
"Hey Damon." Hunter said and I just nodded in his direction, lost in thought. "You should go home buddy. You  don't want to be gross when Tori see's you right? Go home and take a shower. I'll call you as soon as something happens. I promise." I sigh, knowing he's right.
"As soon as she wakes up, call me. Got it?" I asked and Hunter nodded his head and pushed me out the door.
"Just go!" I nodded and went home to get ready before I could finally see the one girl that stole my heart again.

Awwww! Now someone can't say that last sentence wasn't just adorable-ness overload. haha. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please give me a vote and maybe a quick comment if possible. Love you guys! It's almost over by the way. I've decided how I'm going to end it, so please do let me know what you think. Merci boucoup! 

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