Morning Madness

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Tori's POV

I woke up, and what do I find? Damon. His arms were wrapped around me and his head was turned away from me but there was a small smile on his lips. I chuckled and remembered yesterday. I moved so I could look at him properly and moved my lips up to his. It took a minute until I finally got a response. I grinned and pulled back.
"Do me a favor," Damon began and I nodded "wake me up every morning." I chuckled at him. Damon popped his eyes opened and pulled us both up.
"I'll go make breakfast." Damon said grinning as he made his was to the cafeteria.
"Wake me when it's ready!" I yelled back to him, he responded with a short wave and I jumped back on the couch and cuddled into the pillow. 10 minutes later someone was shaking me awake.
"Wake up Tori. You want some breakfast?"
"No! Go away!" I grumbled, swatting their hands away.
"I have bacon." I popped my eyes open to look at Damon who was smirking at me.
"Bacon?" I questioned and Damon nodded. "I don't believe you!" I screamed and pushed my head back into the pillow.
"You should because there's some nice juicy bacon with your name on it."
"Too bad I like my bacon crunchy." I said rolling my eyes internally.
"I know your lying Tori. Come on!" Damon said suddenly tossing me over his shoulder and grinning victoriously. I stated pounding on Damon's back but it still didn't cause any effect from him.
"Let me down Damon!" I screamed as he continued chuckling. "You hurting me!" I said making my eyes tear up. Damon looked surprised but put me down. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I was down the hallway running, and laughing as I went. I heard Damon's footsteps behind me in no time. I ran in to the little kids gym and tried to hide behind a tube for the kid's obstacle course. I heard Damon come in, letting the door slam a he walked in to the room.
"Oh Tori? Where are you?" Damon said his voice deepening and scaring the living daylights out of me. "Come on Tori I just want to play a little game." My eyes widened and I shut my eyes and prayed he wouldn't find me. God was not on my side. Two hands were on my waist and the next thing I knew, Damon had flipped me over and was straddling me. "You shouldn't have run Tori." An evil gin spreading across his face.
"Damon..." I tried reasoning but he cut me off by slowly pecking me on the lips. My wheat began spinning as I tried to kiss back but Damon had moved away a smirk playing on his face.
"Tease...." I grumbled and Damon raised an eyebrow.
"Tori your wearing some awfully short shorts to bed....and your calling me a tease?"
"Hey it's not my fault you want some." I said grinning and Damon chuckled.
"Dido." Damon shrugged and I chuckled along with him.
"Breakfast!" I screamed suddenly when it realized my stomach was growling.
"No breakfast for you cupcake." Damon said taping my nose, as I crossed my arms in annoyance.
"And why not?" I demanded.
"Not until you tell me how oh-so sexy I am." Damon said a wide grin spreading across his face.
"Never!" I shouted childishly.
"You better or no food for you, and maybe even no time to stare at my gorgeous body when you think I'm not looking." Damon finished making a deep blush come on to my face.
"Shut do it too." I said.
"Your right, I do check myself out to huh? Bad habit I know." Damon said cockily. I shook my head and looked at Damon for a moment. I grabbed his face and brought it to mine. I held his face still as I began kissing him passionately. Damon started kissing me back and I continue though. Then I broke from him unexpectedly, and pushed him off of me with much force. Damon toppled to the ground and I took off running in the direction of my juicy, juicy bacon.

Damon's POV

This girl never ceases to amaze me. One minute, we're making out, the next I'm on the floor of a gym and she's running to get some bacon. I shake my head in amusement. Tori is something else entirely. I push myself off the ground and jog to the cafeteria where I see Tori finishing up what looks like her 3rd pancake and her 4th piece of bacon.
"Tori you do realize your gonna pay for that, right?" I ask, grinning at her stunned face.
"How'd you find me?!" She asked, shocked. I chuckled.
"Because halfway down the hallway I'm pretty sure I heard someone scream 'bacon!'." I laughed again as he scowled.
"That could have been a ghost." She said, dead serious.
"Because every ghost I know eats bacon."
"Maybe none that you do, but I happen to know many ghosts that are insane about bacon." She said matter-of-factly.
"My apologies." I said bowing low. Tori grinned and continued eating. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky.

Oh my god. Cuteness overload. If only I could have a relationship like this! God help me out here! Hahaha! Also the chapter title makes me crack up haha. Please do check out my other books too. They are pretty good and if you could ran and vote and comment, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! haha unless you suck then I won't.... haha jk. Thanks again! :)

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