Let's Kill Hitler Pt. 1

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Rory is driving through a corn field very fast. Amy is navigating by tulip symbols.

"Ok, left. Sharp turn! Ok, right. No, no, no, I mean left. No, sorry, right, right. I definitely meant right. Now loop the loop" more corn gets crushed beneath the tyres "stop! Stop!" and there, in the middle of the crop circle they have just made, is the TARDIS. The Doctor and {Y/N} come out, the Doctor is holding a copy of the Leadworth Chronicle with the headline Leadworth's Crop Circle, {Y/N} looks over his shoulder and laughs.

"Seriously?" the Doctor asks, they have made the word Doctor in the field.

"Well, you two never answer your phone" Rory replies.

"Ok, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody?" Amy asks, {Y/N} stops laughing and looks at Rory.

"Permission?" she asks.

"Granted" Rory replies as {Y/N} and Amy hug.

"You know who she grows up to be, so you know we will find her" {Y/N} says.

"But you haven't yet" Amy replies pulling away.

"Hang on. What's this bit?" Rory is also looking at the newspaper, {Y/N} and Amy walk over, they all look at the newspaper, there is a line through the middle of their crop design in the photograph.

"That wasn't us" {Y/N} snatches the newspaper from the Doctor and walks off, the Doctor, Amy and Rory follow her, she starts muttering things under her breath, she stops and brings down the newspaper to see that another car is driving towards them through the corn.

"Argh!" they all shout, ducking out of the way, the Chevrolet Corvette skids to a halt by the TARDIS. A young woman gets out and looks at the Doctor then at {Y/N}.

"You said they were funny. You never said she was hot" the woman says.

"Mels!" Rory shouts.

"What are you doing here?" Amy asks.

"Following you. What do you think?"

"Er, where did you get the car?" Rory asks, there are police sirens in the distance.

"It's mine. Ish."

"Oh, Mels, not again," Amy says.

"You can't keep doing this. You're going to end up in prison" Rory says.

"Sorry. Hello. Doctor not following this. Doctor very lost" the Doctor says.

"You never said I was hot?" {Y/N} asks.

"Is that the phone box? The bigger on the inside phone box? Oh, time travel. That's just brilliant" Mels says, {Y/N} walks over to her "yeah, I've heard a lot about you two. I'm their best mate."

"Then why don't we know you? I danced with everyone at the wedding. The women were all brilliant. The men were a bit shy" the Doctor says.

"I don't do weddings" the sirens get closer.

"And that's me out of time" Mels pulls a gun on {Y/N} and the Doctor.

"Mels!" Amy says.

"For God's sake!" Rory shouts.

"What are you doing?" Amy asks.

"I need out of here, now" a helicopter is coming, too.

"Anywhere in particular?" {Y/N} asks.

"Well, let's see. You've both got a time machine, I've got a gun. What the hell. Let's kill Hitler" {Y/N} and the Doctor look at each other.

*Amy's bedroom*

Back when they were children. Amelia is getting her Doctor and {Y/N} toys out of a cardboard box.

"Are they hot?"

"No, they're funny."

"But how can they travel in time?"

"Because they've got a time machine, stupid" a little boy enters.

"I thought we were playing hide and seek. I've been hiding for hours."

"Well, we just haven't found you yet."

"Ok. Hi, Mels."

"Hi, Rory" young Rory leaves.


"Mels, did you not understand the question? I'm asking you why the Titanic sank?"

"Because {Y/N} and the Doctor didn't save it. Except you don't know about them because you're stupid."


Mels leaves the Headmaster's Study.

"Why are you always in trouble? You're the most in trouble in the whole school, except for boys" Amelia says.

"And you."

"I count as a boy" Rory is blindfolded for a game that they were playing earlier.

"Am I getting warm?"

"Yes, Rory."


The children are now teenagers.


"A significant factor in Hitler's rise to power was the fact that {Y/N} and the Doctor didn't stop him."


After another visit to the Headmaster.

"I can't keep doing this" Amy says.

*Police station*

Mels is let out of a cell. They've all left school by now.

"Mels!" Amy says.

*Amy's bedroom*

"It was late. I took a bus" Mels says.

"Er, you stole a bus," Rory asks.

"Who steals a bus?" Amy asks.

"I returned it."

"You drove it through the Botanical garden," Rory says.


"Why can't you just act like a person? Like a normal legal person?" Amy asks.

"I don't know, maybe I need a Doctor and {Y/N}" Mels laughs.

"Stop it," Amy says.

"Er, I'd better go. I'm on earlies tomorrow" Rory says.

"Ok" Amy replies.

"It's all right for you. You've got Mister Perfect keeping you right" Mels says.

"He's not even real. Just a stupid dream when I was a kid" Amy replies.

"No, I wasn't talking about him" Mels looks at Rory who was leaving the room.

"What, Rory? How have I got Rory?" Amy asks.

"Yeah, how, how's she got me?" Rory asks.

"He's not mine."

"No. No. I'm not hers."

"Oh, come on. Seriously, it's got to be you two. Oh, cut to the song. It's getting boring" Mels says.

"Nice thought, ok, but completely impossible," Amy says.

"Yeah, impossible" Rory says.

"I mean, I'd love to. He's gorgeous. He's my favourite guy. But he's, you know..."

"A friend."


"I'm not gay."

"Yes, you are."

"No. No, I'm not."

"Course you are. Don't be stupid. In the whole time I've known you, when have you shown any interest in a girl?"

"Penny in the air," Mels says.

"I mean, I've known you for, what, ten years? I've seen you practically every day. Name one girl you've paid the slightest bit of attention to?" Rory flees and Mels laughs "oh, my God! Rory!" Amy runs after him.

"And the penny drops."


"Catch you later, Time guys."


~Bread 🍞

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