The Vampires Of Venice Pt. 1

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Rory is on the phone, trying to make himself heard above the noise of his stag party. All the participants are wearing red t-shirts with Rory's Stag on the back and a picture of Rory and Amy inside a heart on the front.

"Hey! It's me. Hello. How are you?" Rory says, he is talking to the answering machine "the reason for this call is because I haven't told you for seven hours that I love you, which is a scandal, and even if we weren't getting married tomorrow, I'd ask you to marry me anyway. Yes, I would, because you are smashing" a giant pink cake is wheeled in "oh. Oh. Oh, blimey. I've. I've, er got to go. I'll see you tomorrow" his companions push Rory forward.

"Out. Out. Out" {Y/N} bursts out of the fake cake followed by the Doctor and silence falls.

"Rory! That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake, again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in and give her a jumper? Lucy? Lovely girl. Diabetic. Now then, Rory. We need to talk about your fiancée. She tried to kiss my husband" {Y/N} says arms crossed.

"Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man. She's a great kisser" the Doctor mutters scratching the back of his neck, someone drops his beer glass and it smashes on the floor "funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine" the Doctor says quietly.

*Time skip*

the Doctor is hanging underneath the console platform, doing some welding, {Y/N} standing next to him, the two had a somewhat small fight but was quickly resolved only when the Doctor had finished apologising for the hundredth time. Rory and Amy are there also.

"Oh, the life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans. It's meant to do that. Because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it will tear you apart. So, we're sending you somewhere, together" the Doctor says.

"Whoa. What, like a date?" Amy asks.

"Anywhere you want. Anytime you want. One condition. It has to be amazing. The Moulin Rouge in 1890. The first Olympic Games. Think of it as a wedding present, because it's either this or tokens" {Y/N} replies.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain" the Doctor says.

"It's another dimension" Rory replies.

"It's basically another dimension. What?" the Doctor asks confused, the two Time Lords make their way up from under the console.

"After what happened with Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories. FTL travel, parallel universes" Rory explains.

"I like the bit when someone says it's bigger on the inside. I always look forward to that" the Doctor says.

"So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?" Amy asks.

"How about somewhere romantic?" {Y/N} smiles, the TARDIS lands in the middle of the busy area, not even trying to hide "Venice. Venezia. La Serenissima. Impossible city. Preposterous city. Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the middle of the marsh but became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding, constantly just beautiful. Ah, you got to love Venice. So many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Ooo, that reminds me. 1580. That's all right. Casanova doesn't get born for a hundred and forty-five years. Don't want to run into him. We owe him a chicken."

"You owe Casanova a chicken?" Rory asks.

"Long story. We had a bet" the Doctor says, he is suddenly stopped by an official.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Papers, if you please. Proof of residency, current bill of medical inspection" the Doctor holds up his psychic paper.

"There you go, fellow. All to your satisfaction, I think you'll find."

"I am so sorry, Your Holiness. I didn't realise" the Doctor blesses the man.

"No worries. You were just doing your job. Sorry, what exactly is your job?" the Doctor asks.

"Checking for aliens. Visitors from foreign lands what might bring the plague with them."

"Oh, that's nice. See where you bring me? The plague" Amy says.

"Don't worry, Viscountess. No, we're under quarantine here. No one comes in, no one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri."

"How interesting. I heard the plague died out years ago" {Y/N] says.

"Not out there. No, Signora Calvierri has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said."

"Did she now?" the Doctor says, Rory takes the psychic paper from the Inspector, who moves on to his next target.


"Er, according to this, I am your eunuch," Rory says.

"Oh yeah. I'll explain later" Amy says.

*Time skip*

The iron gates swing open. Girls in white dresses with white parasols and heavy veils on their heads walk out two by two.

"Veils down, girls."

"The Calvierri girls" the Doctor, {Y/N}, Amy, and Rory are across the canal from the procession. A man runs up to the girls.

"What do you want?"

"Where's my Isabella?"

"What are you doing? Get away from there" the man lifts the girls veils until he finds his daughter.

"Isabella? Isabella, it's me" one of the girls knocks the man down.

"Girls, come along."

"She's gone."

"Isabella! It's me!"

"What was that about?" Amy asks.

"Isabella!" the Doctor and {Y/N} have vanished.

"I hate it when they do that" Amy mutters, the Doctor and {Y/N} walk into an alleyway.

"Who are those girls?" the Doctor asks the man.

"I thought everyone knew about the Calvierri school."

"Our first day here. It's ok. Parents do all sorts of things to get their children into good schools. They move house, they change religion. So why are you trying to get her out?" {Y/N} asks.

"Something happens in there. Something magical, something evil. My own daughter didn't recognise me. And the girl who pushed me away, her face, like an animal."

"I think it's time we met this Signora Calvierri," the Doctor says looking at {Y/N} who nods.

*Time skip*

"You have my daughter. Isabella!"

"No, you're not coming in. Just stop there. Look, we've told you" the distraction enables the Doctor and {Y/N} to sneak past and round to the water gate and sonic their way in.

"You have my daughter. Isabella! I demand you let me see my daughter."

"Go away."

"Isabella, it's me. It's your father."

"We will arrest you."


"Give it up, will you. Move off."


~Bread 🍞

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