Silence In The Library Pt. 3

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"I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. Just that noise" Dave says.

"But it's a phone" Donna says, {Y/N} puts her glasses on and pushes Dave out of the way.

"Let me try something" the screen says Access Denied "Ok, doesn't like that. Let's try something else. Ok, here it comes. Hello?" {Y/N} says as a small girl pops onto the screen.

"Hello. Are you in my television?"

"Well, no, I'm, I'm sort of in space. Er, I was trying to call up the data core of a triple grid security processor" {Y/N} says.

"Would you like to speak to my Dad?"

"Dad or your Mum. That'd be lovely."

"I know you. You're in my library."

"Your library?"

"The library's never been on the television before. What have you done?"

"Er, well, I just rerouted the interface" suddenly the screen goes blank.

"What happened? Who was that?" River asks. Access denied pops up onto the screen.

"I need another terminal. Keep working on those lights. We need those lights!" {Y/N} shouts.

"You heard her, people. Let there be light" River says, {Y/N} and the Doctor go to the other terminal, where River left her diary, {Y/N} fiddles with the terminal and the Doctor picks it up River's diary, River walks over and takes it from him "sorry, you're not allowed to see inside the book. It's against the rules."

"What rules?" the Doctor asks.

"Her rules" River says pointing to {Y/N}, suddenly books start flying off the shelves.

"What's that? I didn't do that. Did you do that?" {Y/N} asks looking at Dave.

"Not me" {Y/N} looks back to screen which says Cal Access Denied.

"What's Cal?" {Y/N} asks as a book hits her in the arm, she doesn't seem unfazed as she continues to work on the terminal as more books shoot off their shelves.

"What's causing that? Is it the little girl?" River asks.

"But who is the little girl? What's she got to do with this place? How does the data core work? What's the principle? What's Cal?" {Y/N} asks.

"Ask Mister Lux" River says.

"Cal, what is it?" the Doctor asks.

"Sorry, you didn't sign your personal experience contracts" Lux says.

"Mister Lux. Right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. And you're protecting a patent?"

"I'm protecting my family's pride."

"Well, funny thing, Mister Lux. I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important" {Y/N} growls turning around.

"Then why don't you sign his contract? I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you" River says.

"Ok, ok, ok. Let's start at the beginning. What happened here? On the actual day, a hundred years ago, what physically happened?" the Doctor asks.

"There was a message from the Library. Just one. The lights are going out. Then the computer sealed the planet, and there was nothing for a hundred years" River says.

"It's taken three generations of my family just to decode the seals and get back in" Lux says.

"Er, excuse me?" Evangelista asks.

"Not just now" Lux says.

"There was one other thing in the last message" River says.

"That's confidential" Lux says.

"I trust these two with my life, with everything" River says.

"You've only just met them."

"No, they've only just met me."

"Er, this might be important, actually" Evangelista says.

"In a moment."

"This is a data extract that came with the message" River says.

"Four thousand and twenty-two saved. No survivors" {Y/N} says.

"Four thousand and twenty-two. That's the exact number of people who were in the library when the planet was sealed" River says.

"But how can four thousand and twenty-two people have been saved if there were no survivors?" the Doctor asks.

"That's what we're here to find out" River says.

"And so far, what we haven't found are any bodies" Lux says, suddenly someone screams. The Doctor leads the way to investigate in the lecture hall. They find a skeleton in rags.

"Everybody, careful. Stay in the light" {Y/N} says.

"You keep saying that. I don't see the point" Dave says.

"Who screamed?"

"Miss Evangelista" Dave says.

"Where is she?"

"Miss Evangelista, please state your current..." River's voice echoes from very nearby "please state your current position" River takes a lit comm. unit from the remains of the skeleton's collar "it's her. It's Miss Evangelista."

"We heard her scream a few seconds ago. What could do that to a person in a few seconds?"

"It took a lot less than a few seconds" the Doctor says.

"What did?"


"Er, I'm sorry, everyone. Er, this isn't going to be pleasant. She's ghosting" River says.

"She's what?" Donna asks.

"Hello? Excuse me. I'm sorry. Hello? Excuse me."

"That's, that's her, that's Miss Evangelista" Donna says.

"I don't want to sound horrible, but couldn't we just, you know?" Dave says.

"This is her last moment. No, we can't. A little respect, thank you" River says.

"Sorry, where am I? Excuse me?"

"But that's Miss Evangelista" Donna says.

"It's a data ghost. She'll be gone in a moment. Miss Evangelista, you're fine. Just relax. We'll be with you presently" River says.

"What's a data ghost?"

"There's a neural relay in the communicator. Let's you send thought mail. That's it there. Those green lights. Sometimes it can hold an impression of a living consciousness for a short time after death. Like an afterimage" {Y/N} says.

"My grandfather lasted a day. Kept talking about his shoelaces."

"She's in there" Donna says.

"I can't see. I can't. Where am I?"

"She's just brain waves now. The pattern won't hold for long" Dave says.

"But, she's conscious. She's thinking" Donna says.

"I can't see, I can't. I don't know what I'm thinking."

"She's a footprint on the beach. And the tide's coming in" the Doctor says.

"Where's that woman? The nice woman. Is she there?"

"What woman?" Lux asks.

"She means. I think she means me" Donna says.

"Is she there? The nice woman."

"Yes, she's here. Hang on. Go ahead. She can hear you" River says, Donna looks at the Doctor and {Y/N}.


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