Chapter 17:The BIG surprise.

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As the 1 week comes to a close and the news of The Blue Parrot's Grand Opening makes every news station but CNN, I have to make sure everyone's in line. Including Cara, yeah that Cara. She came over at about 12:00 p.m today to go over her part with Caitlyn. I know she's a nerd and all but sometimes I think she's dumber than Brooklyn. "So, you guys enter at 7:45 p.m, the stretch limo will pick you up at 7:40ish, he'll pick Caitlyn up first then swing by  your place at-"  "Is the limo black or white?" "Black." I say annoyed. "Why not white?" "Only the whales come in white limos...everyone else comes in black."  "What are you and Henry coming in?" she asks inquisitively, "Uh- white." I say, "Ya'll are whales?"  "Yes." "Cool, now what were you saying again?" "The limo will pick you up at 7:43. Hopefully you guys will be there around 7:50 or so, Caitlyn said she'll tell you the rest, get you caught up to speed." "Which one are we heisting again?" "You guys are in  Casino Royale. The neighboring casino, I'll be at the Blue Parrot with Henry, mom, Darren and Brooklyn."  She smiles, as if I'm just going to toss her in with Caitlyn to rob the dead bodies at a funeral home! Cara heads over to Caitlyn's which leaves me to brief mom, well actually she's pretty briefed, but she told me she'd be over in about an hour. Sure enough I hear the familiar ring of the doorbell and I run to get it. "Mom you've already been briefed I can't really tell you anymore!" I say as I pour her some Shadow Land wine, "I know baby but I've got something to tell you." the tone in her voice sounds worried, "What is it mom?" I say as I hand her the wine, "Michael's planning on being at the Blue Parrot." "To welcome the whales?" I say (My heart secretly drowning) "To make sure no one pulls a heist." "He's never done that before?" I say confused, "No, he hasn't, but some robbed the Golden Gate and Michael's good friends with the owner, who says that this same person might just hit all the casinos on the strip and even some of the bigger ones like the MGM Grand." "Who is it?" I ask, expecting to hear Brooklyn's name dropped. "Jessica Deheart and Caitlyn. The police have no idea it was them, but Jessica told me this morning." "Oh, Jesus I have the worst crew ever! Why didn't Jessica or Caitlyn tell me?" "They figured you wouldn't mind." "I'm going to kill them!" I say frustrated that they'd both do something like that. Considering I had to drag Caitlyn into the deal kicking and screaming, tooth and nail! "Mom, thanks for telling me, apparently you did the mature thing and told the right person." "I had no other choice, you're my daughter and even though I swore up and down I wouldn't tell, I knew in my heart you had a right to know." I smile, right as my phone vibrates, I pick it up and see that it's Caitlyn calling, so I sigh and then slide Answer. "Hi." I say abruptly, "Hey, what's up?" Caitlyn says, "I guess​ I should be the one who asks you that, considering you just robbed the Golden Gate!" "Sabrina told you. I figured she would." "Yeah, she's my mom." "Listen we scored $30 mill off of the joint!!" "Your point being?" I say in a koi tone, "Okay look here Ms. Smarty-pants...I thought long and hard about this heist. In fact Jessica didn't even want to go, but we're gonna need a lot more equipment than we thought!" "Why may I ask?" "Michael Darvin's expecting a lot more company than just us." "Who?" (Now she's peaked my interest) "He's close friends with the head of the Italian mafia. And the entire mafia is going to be there on the opening night of the Blue Parrot."

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