Chapter 13: Ready for it now?

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"What the-"  Caitlyn says as she walks through the door in a black "New Girl" dress w/ side cut-outs, a pair of deep red leather pumps, and a white faux fur coat.  "I thought I told Brooklyn to text everybody! Caitlyn meet Jessica- Jessica this is Caitlyn Ries."  "I'm not working with her. Period.End of story."  Caitlyn says as she watches Jessica sit and file her long red acrylic nails. "And why'd you tell Brooklyn to alert everyone...she couldn't alert a CIA agent that he's got a sniper pointed at his back!!"  "Caitlyn-right?  Listen I don't mean to come in the middle of this- but my father put me behind bars for 4 years of my life...I'm tired of protecting him and his casinos!" "Why do we need her?" Caitlyn says, completely ignoring Jessica. "Because she's out inside man." I say blankly, "Oh don't pull that Jodie Foster mess with me...tell me why we need her!!"  "Inside man. She's the one that welcomes all the mom and Darren. She's their way in- deal with it."  "I will never understand this heist." Caitlyn says then storms into the kitchen and opens a bottle of wine. "What's the matter with her!" Jessica says, "Well you weren't exactly our first choice for a inside man. I mean we jumped to my sister Brooklyn before I decided that you really didn't love protecting your father's casinos."  "I did for the first 16 years of my life. Then after he ratted me out- that's when that precious bond was broken. But when daddy summons... you can't stop and think."  "Well now you can get your revenge...and not get  caught!"  "Count me in." comes Caitlyn's curt response. "Good. My mom and her husband Darren Ross will be the first ones to enter the Blue Parrot."   "The first rich is he?"  "Rich. Let's just say his bank account has more than a few thousand in it... $50,000,000 to be exact."  "So he's a multi-millionaire. What's he own?"  "The entire west coast IMAX chain."  "Oh yeah dad will be impressed!"  "Good. What's my share of the heist?"  "You'll get $4 mill."  "OK. Now let's get down to the facts."  "Sounds good." I say and smile as she discusses the ins and outs of the blueprint.

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