He made a turn and went through the Burger King drive-through.

"We're gonna stay at her house until her father comes home and go on from there," China answered from the backseat. "We can't afford to go another day without trying to get Trinity some help. We don't know shit about her Bipolar disorder but I'm sure her father does if her mother is Bipolar too." She had Trinity's head resting in her lap as she played in her hair.

"This is some different shit, I've never seen anyone go through something like this before," Michael added from the passenger's seat.

None of them has ever witnessed someone with a Bipolar disorder. They were all scared but didn't want to admit it to avoid worrying each other.

"She'll be okay," China said trying to convince herself than anyone, "We just need her to get help."

"Welcome to Burger King, what would you like today?"


The gang all piled up in Trinity's living room, doing homework and eating their food since neither of them really eat the school's lunch.

"Yo Chris, your ass be paying attention in math class. Let me get the answers to questions one through fifteen on the homework."

"Nigga, that's all the questions on the homework." Chris kissed his teeth passing his homework over to  Michael anyway, "Don't copy everything." He added taking a bite of his chicken sandwich.

"Good looks," Michael said taking the paper and began copying every single answer down.

China groaned spreading out on Trinity's living room floor, "When does her father come home from work, Chris?"

"I think around five." He answered looking over at Trinity, who's sound asleep on the couch.

"China, you finished the American studies homework yet?" Michael asked going through her bag.

"Michael I'm telling your grandmother you're not doing your homework anymore," China teased kicking Michael in his side as he held a tampon in the air.

Michael mustered up a face of disgust, "Ew China, what the fuck!"

He quickly threw the tampon at Chris, rubbing his hands on Trinity's velour sweat bottoms, causing her to stir in her sleep.

"Aye nigga!" Chris yelped throwing the tampon at China's head.

"Yall mad fucking annoying, it's in a wrapper," China snatched her bag from Michael's grip. "And shut the fuck up before yall wake up Trinity." She hissed.

Chris chuckled shaking his head going back to homework, Michael and China did the same as they all laughed to themselves. It felt good to have each other, they were a family and wouldn't let anything come between them. They loved each other, no doubt about it.

About a half an hour later, the gang decided to take a break watching Netflix.

China jumped with her eyes glued to her phone, catching  Michael and Chris off guard, "Wait, Chris turn off Netflix and go on the news."

"Nigga, why? Who watches the news?"

She got up snatching the remote out of his hand "Bitch, it's about the shooting!"

China exited out of the Netflix app, going straight to Channel One news. The three of them sat quietly as the news reporter stood in front of the venue where the mixtape release party was held.

Seeing the venue caused chills to run up Chris' spine. China glanced at Chris, giving him a look of pity as all the color in his face disappeared.

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