“Bloody hell Ethan why do you have to do your spells with such force!” Snapped Rose looking at the ball of light as it went up to the sky and vanished but there was a dimmer ball of light that remained on the end of his wand.

“I we there yet?” Asked Ethan impatiently.

“No not quite!” Replied Albus.

“How long to go till we do get there?” Ethan asked.

“Don’t know!” Albus replied.

“How’s Albus going to know how long it takes to get there he’s not an expert.” Rose said.

“But I just wanted to know how it is till we get there!” he repeated innocently.

“We don’t know!” Rose and Albus yelled back at him.

“Shhh you lot or else we’ll get caught!” I warned.

“Well, do you want to get lost?” Rose snapped.

“No!” Ethan replied sadly.

“Then shut up so Albus can think where we need to go!” Rose replied.

“Ok Rose keep your wig on!” Ethan said cheekily.

“I was just saying unless you want to get lost?” Rose said irritated.

“Calm down I’m shutting up!” Ethan said pretending to zip up is mouth and throwing away the key but struggling not to smile. Not long after Ethan couldn’t contain hisslef any longer,

“Are we there yet?” Ethan chimed in.

“Soon! Hey didn’t I…” Rose started.

“I was quiet for a while!” Ethan confirmed.

“Not long enough!” Rose said annoyed.

“We’re here!” Albus shouted happily causing all of us to stop arguing and lined up in front the door as we knocked on the hut door.

“Oh I’m nervous now!” Ethan said shaking.

“Why?” Rose asked.

“Don’t know!” Ethan said shrugging his shoulders.

“Hello you lot nice to see you on this wonderful night come in!” Hagrid said greeting us in.

“It’s not that much of a wonderful night!” Ethan whispered we all rolled our eyes and walked in. Ethan has to argue with everything.

“Cup of tea you lot?” Hagrid asked.

“Oh and sit down!” He said. We all sat down silently until we heard someone trump. We all looked at each other in confusion trying not to laugh, we knew the first to start laughing would have  trumped. Rose laughed first she couldn’t contain it any longer.

“What… It wasn’t me!” She chuckled innocently.

“Why was it then?” Albus whispered.

“Well, you see it was me I’m afraid but I didn’t mean to but you shouldn’t laugh at it you immature people!” Ethan said glumly looking away.

We all burst at laughing Ethan’s face said it all but he laughed anyway.

“You children are funny you know!” Hagrid said handing us all a massive mug of tea for us. He sat down with his own mug in his hand. But then his dog jumped on his knee and nearly knocked his mug out his hand we all looked at each other and bit our lips we wasn’t going to laugh at that too.

“So how has been all your lessons?” Asked Hagrid.

“Oh and this is Fang my dog!” Hagrid said quickly looking at his dog then back at us.

Rebecca Lupin and The Escape of the death eaterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz