Chapter 2 Investigating The Strange Energy Signature

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A/N: Hello everyone like I promised I'm uploading another chapter but before I begin the chapter I'm going to add a character from A game into this chapter and if you can guess who he/she is I'll let that person add a character to the story and it could be any character of your choosing but don't forget to add their name and bio age and they can have any abilities and personality so I can think up of where to put them the story is gonna start off slow so bear with me here this is Just a beginning o-.

Younger Crimson: hey Crimson.

Looks down at younger self.

A/N: oh hey whats up?

Younger Crimson: are you going to tell them about the time flow because I don't understand it?

Crimson: oh well I'm sure they know if not hmmmm well I'm sure they'll figure it out cause in Sonic's world and ours is completely different our flows like normal while theirs is kind flows slowly so aging won't affect them then us so you won't age as normal anymore.

Younger Crimson: Oooh ok that makes sense but am I going to be staying in the story for long?

Crimson: I guess or not but I haven't figured it out yet but if I did you won't be going alone and you will also be able to return.

Younger Crimson: Cool this is Awesome I'm going to go to a new place where there's adventure I'm gonna go tell mamma Amy. runs off.

Crimson: WAIT WHAT!?! Sigh oh well oh well now where was I, oh right it's just a beginning of a new adventure so disclaimer I don't own Sonic all sonic characters belong to Sega and Sonic Team and let's get this story started shall we ill.

At G.U.N HQ. (Play music at top)

As Shadow Rouge and Omega Return from a mission, the reported back to debrief on their search.

???: Team Dark did you guys find any luck on finding the last Chaos Emerald yet.

Shadow: No Commander no we look searched Emerald Hill Zone and Hydro City Zone and it's not anywhere else.

???: It's ok you guys did what you can go rest up.

But before they left one of the Navigators and rushing in with news.

Navigator: Commander we have news there's two new energy signature and it appeared at Emerald Park and it's heading fast to Imie Hospital sir.

???: Alright thank you tell everyone to keep a lock on it and don't lose it we have to get that Emerald before Dr.Eggman gets it Shadow, Rouge, and Omega I want you three to go there and fast and secure the Chaos Emerald and fast we don't know what he's planning.

Shadow, Rouge, And Omega: ROGER.

As they get ready they head out to there destination.

At the hospital, whereas we see Sonic, Tails and the others are at sitting while chatting to one another while waiting.

Tails: I wonder how he got like that when we found him.

Knuckles: I don't know hey silver does your vision know anything about this?

Silver: Sorry Knuckles it doesn't work like that it'll only happen random times so I'm still getting the hang of it all we can do is wait and see what will happen so, for now, we have wait for the Doctor to give us the ok to come in and see him.

As they were waiting for the doctor they see w few nurses rushing to the room and everyone heard yelling and screaming so they rushed in to see whats going on as they came in they see the doctors floating in the air.

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