Will You...? (Celiam)

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So, I have a ton of ships in this series, but I haven't written about the only canon ship. Ham and Celia. So, here we go.


Henry and Celia walked into Cafe Vicinanza and took their seats. Celia was in awe. "Oh, Ham! I can't believe you managed to get reservations to this place! I thought the wait was super long."

Henry chuckled. "It was. I made this reservation last month. But, it was all worth it."

"You know, I have a feeling this date's going to be special."

Henry went through his pocket, checking to make sure the ring was still there. Sure enough, it was. "Yep. A special night indeed."

——1 Hour Later——

Celia laughed. "...and then, she kicks the chair and breaks one of the legs saying, 'That's for breaking mine two weeks ago!'"

Henry laughed hysterically. "Your sister seems like a riot."

"Oh, she is. But she tries to be nice. Last week, she gave me a cuckoo clock. It's hideous, but the thought was at least there."

Henry said nothing. He stared at Celia's eyes and smiled. Celia grew worried. "What's wrong? Do I have food on my face?"

"No, it's just... I really love how your eyes sparkle in the light sometimes."

"Aww, thank you."

"...and I love your smile, your personality. I love everything about you. I want to see it everyday when I wake up, and every night when I go to sleep."

"Henry, you don't have to be cheesy if you want me to move in with you. I'll say 'yes' to that any day."

Henry got down on one knee, and held out the ring. "I was going to ask you, but that's not what this is about."

Celia covered her mouth in surprise. "Oh my gosh!"

"Celia Lin, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She leaned down and kissed Henry. Applause from the tables echoed throughout the cafe. "I love you."


"And that, Andi, is how I proposed to your grandma." Henry said.

Celia looked at him. "That's not what happened! We were in line for Quick Chick's Fried Chicken, and you dropped the ring. So you ended up proposing in the line."

"Yeah, but it was the same magical feeling. We could've been in an alleyway, and you still would've said 'yes'."

Celia smiled. "Yeah, I probably would've."


Happy Valentine's Day! I hope today is full of love for you and your loved ones!

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