Rotten To The Core (Jyrus Month Special)

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I'll make this as simple as possible. This theme was "Disney." I decided to try something Descendants related. Quick list of the characters, as they are all doppelgängers of the Andi Mack characters.

(Andi) Su - Shan Yu
(Buffy) Ginny - Mother Gothel
(Jonah) Hartley - Queen Of Hearts
(Cyrus) Hayden - Hades


Hayden's POV
"Here's the deal. You pay us $50, and the scarf is yours. That's the lowest I can go, understand?"

Su gives me a mean look. "Don't I get a discount for being your friend?" I shake my head, causing her to groan. She hands the money. "You're lucky I really want that scarf."

I grab the cash from her. "Pleasure doing business with you." I step away to put the cash in the register.

Ginny walks up to me, asking, "How'd you manage to get the money from Su?"

"I'm the son of Hades, remember? I have abilities with persuasion. Plus, she owed me a debt. I managed to help her break up with that snobby prince."

"Hartley? The spoiled idiot who always gets his way? How'd you manage that?"

I couldn't contain my embarrassment. "I may have asked him out myself, and we may or may not be going on a date tonight."

Ginny shakes her head. "I thought you got over that crush over a month ago. You're going to end up getting hurt, just like Su."

"Sounds like a challenge. It's Hartley, the stubborn brat, vs me, the manipulative mastermind."

"Well, when you put it that way... the thing is, you may be good with manipulation, but you probably don't even know what to wear for your first date."

"I'll just open another wormhole and ask Cyrus for help."

"I thought you stopped talking to that doppelgänger," Ginny says while crossing her arms.

I shrug. "You assume a lot of stuff, but I never confirmed anything."

Ginny pushes me out of the door. "Just get ready already. Knowing you, you'll need a lot of work before your date."


"Dad! I'm leaving for my date now," I shout from the front door.

Dad is making dinner for himself and my younger brother. "Who's paying? You or her?"

"He will be paying for the meal, assuming my usual tricks work on him."

Dad looks up from the stove, saying nonchalantly, "Oh, it's a boy? Which one?"

I rub the back of my head. "Hartley. Queen Of Hearts' son."

"Hmm. He's a stubborn one. If you can't get him to pay for you, then make sure to pay separate meals."

"Got it. See you later." I walk out and make my way down to Ursula's Fish and Chips. Hartley's waiting for me, wearing a red suit with black hearts placed in a designed pattern.

"That's a nice suit you have on," he tells me.

I look down at the clothes I'm wearing. "I wear a suit everywhere I go, Hartley."

"I get it. You're rich like me. I also wear nice clothes everywhere."

"I'm not rich. But I have magic. Don't ask how I broke the 'no magic' spell. That's a secret only I know."

"Let's just go in. I'm starving."

We grab a random table and seat ourselves down, and wait. Uma comes to our table a few minutes later. "Alright, scum. What do you want?"

"Fish and chips. Both of us."

"Two fish and chips. I'll be back with your orders in five minutes, or whenever I feel like it."

Hartley asks me, "You got any siblings?"

"Yeah. I have a younger brother. You?"

He shakes his head. "Only child." A look of concern shadows his face. "You're not going to be one of those people who dates me for my money, are you?"

"I've got a deal. You pay for tonight, and I'll pay for our next date."

"You're anticipating a second date already?"

I say in a flirty tone, "Aren't you?"

He starts to smile. "Alright, son of Hades. Second date it is."

Uma comes back with the food, and the check. "We don't have anymore food options, so pay up and you can leave."

Hartley takes out some money and gives it to her. "Here."

"Thank you."

Hartley and I exit the restaurant. "Hayden, if we didn't go on a second date, would we have split the check or something."

I shrug. "I don't know. Probably would've just paid for our separate meals instead."

Hartley leans in and kisses my cheek. "Remember. You're paying for our next date."

"I won't forget." Hartley strolls out into the dark. I turn around and stare at a bush. "Su, Ginny. You can come out now."

The two girls pop out of the bush. "You two are a much better couple than when I was dating Hartley," Su says.

"You just need to know how to speak with charisma. That's how I got such a catch."

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