A Gay Stereotype (Jyrus Month Special)

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Cyrus' POV
I'm not going to say that going to this LGBT festival was a bad idea. But at the same time, I'm really enjoy it. I pretend that I do, but in reality, it's an act. Jonah seems to be enjoying it, but he seems to fit in anywhere. It's kind of funny. I'm gay, and I'm at a festival for gay people, yet I feel more out of place than I am with straight people. It took me a while to figure out why, but it's because of the stereotypes for LGBT people.

When I talk to some of these gay people, I understand why I'm not fitting in. The other people are clearly gay. They dress gay, they act gay, they have a gay voice. I don't. Usually, when there's a stereotype associated with a group of people, most of them try to avoid it. These guys are embracing it. I'm not, and I wonder if that means I'm not considered a real gay.

Jonah and I are eating ice-cream along a bench, leaning on each other like a normal couple would. Out of nowhere, I ask, "Jonah, you think I should wear rainbow makeup?"

He laughs for a bit. "What made you want to do that?"

"I don't know. So I'd be more like the guys here, to fit the gay stereotype."

"Cyrus, do you like boys?" He lowers his ice cream bowl, and I nod. "Congratulations, that makes you 100% gay! Look, I'm bisexual. I like girls, I like guys. You know what else I like? Frisbee, golden retrievers, music."

"Your point being?" I ask.

"just keep my sexuality as just another detail about me. For me, it's not a big deal, and it shouldn't be for you either. Yes, it should be an important part about you, but it shouldn't be the most important. There are other things about you that make you Cyrus. You like directing videos, doing tater theatre. You embrace your Jewish culture. That's what makes you so special, not the type of people you like.

I smile a lot because of these words. "That means a whole lot, Jonah. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just remember. You like boys, so that means you fit the real gay stereotype."


Today's theme was "Pride." It's over-exaggerated, but it was lightly based off what I see in society today.

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