Everything Becomes Nothing (Jyrus Month Special)

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Today's theme was "Angst." I read somewhere that it meant dark and depressing. When it comes to dark and depressing, I go very far. This is for a slightly more mature audience, but I feel like if you're 13 or older, it should be okay for you to read.

Jonah's POV
I'm standing on the edge, and everything I know will finally go away. It's scary that I'm doing this. It's freeing as well. When I finally jump, my pain will go away, and I won't be such a burden to everyone else. I look down at the ground, from the top floor. I must be about six stories high.

Behind me, the door to the roof opens. Cyrus calls out, "Don't tell me you're actually going through with this." I take a step forward. "Jonah! Don't you dare take another step!" I can hear the slight crying in his voice.

I step back and turn around. "Why shouldn't I do this? You know for a fact that I'm just some... some screwup!"

"If that's true, then so am I, because I've made just as many mistakes as you."

"Your mistakes haven't hurt the people you care about."

"Andi is one person, and she already forgave you. The first thing she said when you two broke up was that she still cared about you, and that she still wanted to stay friends with you." He's starting to get closer with each word.

"If I'm not going to move, you shouldn't either." The muffled shuffling of Cyrus' feet stops. "I hurt Andi. I can't get help for my anxiety. I can't do anything right."

"Then let us help you make it right. My parents are mental health professionals, remember?"

"Far too late for that, Cyrus."

He starts running towards me to hold me in place. "Jonah. I can't lose you. Not like this."

I look at his expression. There are tears still leaking out of his eyes, and this causes me to start crying as well. "Why not? Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't do this."

What he did next was unexpected for me. He pulls in and kisses me. Both of us stare at each other as the sun begins to bury itself into the horizon. "Jonah, for the longest time, I have had a crush on you. I've tried my best to shake the feeling, but I just can't do it. You're just amazing, athletic, and I've always looked to you because of your optimism. I hate that you feel like you can't talk to me. I want to date you, but more importantly, I want to help you to be happy."

This time, I'm the one who starts the kiss. "I want you to be happy too." His expression lights up, which breaks my heart even more when I say, "That's why I can't put you through the same thing as Andi."

I push him with enough force to knock him down while simultaneously pushing me off the edge of the building. This is so that he can't stop me from falling, and so he can't watch as I hit the bottom. I know this is going to destroy him, but he's strong. He'll get over it eventually. I close my eyes, take one last breath, and wait until everything becomes nothing.

Andi Mack One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora