Our Last Dance (Jyrus Month Special)

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Description: Takes place at Grant High's senior prom. Cyrus is still a junior, but is allowed to join Jonah as his date.

Cyrus' POV
Despite the fact that Jonah and I have been out for a while, I couldn't help but feel some insecurity as we both walked into the building. Everyone could be staring at us, or pretending we don't exist.

Jonah notices how terrified I am. "Cy, it's okay. We both know how we're treated normally. No one hurts us. We'll be fine. Just stay calm, and stay close. I'll keep you safe."

I grab Jonah's hand, and look around at the people who are watching us. Many of them are waving at us, snapping photos, probably to post later with the hashtag, relationship goals, or something.

"It's a shame that Buffy and Andi couldn't be here," I say a bit sadly.

"Look at it this way. Tonight, it's all about us. And when you're a senior next year, you get to hang out with Andi and Buffy at your senior prom."

Some slow music begins to play. A small disco ball begins shining light around the large room. I hold out my hand for Jonah to grab. "May I have this dance?"

He snorts during his laughter, and happily grabs it. "That was supposed to be my line."

Neither of us being experienced at dancing, we decide to do a simple box step. I rest my head on Jonah's chest while we dance. "You ever get worried about our future when we graduate?"

"Between just the two of us? Not really. I'm only going to Shadyside University. We won't be too far from each other next year."

"I'm not talking about next year. I mean the year after that, when I graduate. I'm applying for a lot of different colleges, and most of them are going to be in the eastern states." My voice starts to shake. "What if we end up losing what we have, all because of distance?"

Jonah puts his hands on my shoulders. "Hey, hey. We'll make it work somehow. And if we don't, at least we have this time now, right?" He plants a kiss on my lips, causing me to feel butterflies. "Cy, I don't know what'll happen in the future. But, I don't want to focus on that right now. We have a lot of time, and I want to spend that time with you. Because you make me so happy."

I grin a bit. "If we're spending this time doing the things that make us happy, how about another kiss?"

Jonah pulls me in and kisses me again. "Do you feel better now?"

My cheeks turn hot and red. "Yeah. I feel better."


Today's theme was "High School/College AU." Hope you enjoyed it.

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