You're Not Listening - Part 1

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I went on this rant on Tumblr explaining why the way they got rid of Jibby was badly-written. I went off on a tangent as to a huge potential storyline they could've done if we found out Jonah was still with Libby, and therefore, cheating on her. Then I realized, I could write about it! So here's the story...


Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus all watched in shock as Jonah and Amber shared a kiss under the gazebo.

"Anyone else feel like their eyes are burning?" Andi asked. The other two didn't answer.

Once the kiss ended, Jonah and Amber shared a hug after, then proceeded to split up, prompting the trio to run from the scene.

They make their way to the Spoon, and drop onto a table, completely out of breath from sprinting. "What did we just witness?" Cyrus says, "Because I think we just saw something we shouldn't have seen."

Buffy remarks, "Jonah and Amber? Back together? I thought they were a really toxic couple. How did that happen?"

"And what about Libby?" Andi mentions. "Did they break up? Last I checked, they were still together!"

The three take a moment to recollect their thoughts. Andi takes a deep breath. "What are we going to do?"

Cyrus shrugs. "We could either stay out of this—"

"Which we probably aren't going to do," Buffy interrupts.

"—or we could try tell someone."

"Which we also probably won't do." Andi checks her phone, before coming to a realization. "Maybe we should check in with everyone to make sure we're on the same page. Cause as of right now, we're assuming a lot of things."

Cyrus raises his hand. "I'll take Jonah. He'll be more open if it's a guy to guy talk."

Andi shakes her phone a bit. "I'll talk to Libby and see if they broke up first. That leaves Buffy with..."

"...Amber. I'll ask about Jonah and see if she knows anything." Buffy stands up with her fists clenched, causing Cyrus to stand and block her way.

"B, don't fight her, okay? It's just a talk."

"C, I don't care what happens to her."

Cyrus looks at Andi. "A, a little help?"

"Buffy, Cyrus is right. We need her alive."

"I'll be fine, Andi. She will too, assuming she's innocent." Buffy walks out to locate Amber.

"Should we be worried?" Cyrus asks.

"I have faith Buffy can control herself." Andi stands up as well. "I'm going to go try meet up with Libby; see what I can uncover."

Cyrus takes out his phone and sits back down in the booth. He sends Jonah a quick text asking to meet him at the Spoon, and Jonah agrees. The waitress comes up to Cyrus asking for an order. "Just water, please."


Buffy spots Amber near a clothing store, checking out some new outfits. "Okay, Buffy. Spill, don't kill." She walks over, waving at Amber. "Amber, hey!"

Amber looks up and waves back. "Hi, Buffy. What are you doing here?"

"Just trying to see if I can find some exercise clothing. My old ones are getting a bit small."

"There's a rack of them next to me if you want to look."

"Sure." Buffy begins to look through some of the outfits. "I just noticed. You seem... peppier than usual. You got something on your mind?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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