She watched as the water poured into the bucket, which was in a really crooked angle since it couldn't fit inside the sink, and closed the faucet once the water seemed to reach the lower part of the top of the bucket.

     She then heaved up the bucket with as much strength as was needed, and thank the gods for camp and everything she had to go through - especially holding up the sky - because without that she wouldn't have been able to easily carry the bucket without falling over and spilling all its contents.

     She waddled up to the bedside and lifted the bucket even more until it was horizontal to her chin, and then let its contents pour onto the two occupants of the bed.

     The grey-eyed girl evilly grinned as she watched Apollo immediately squirm and try to fight off the water and he shot up and started to breathe heavily as if he was drowning before.

     With Percy, however, the water bounced off of her and touched everything but her.

     "And of course that happens to Percy," Annabeth mumbled as she ignored the angry looking God beside her so as to think of a way to wake her best friend up.

     "What do you think you're doing? You're messing with our beauty sleep. Gods know Percy needs it," Apollo said through his teeth while he wiped at his eyes.

     "Waking you two troublemakers up, that's what."

     Yeah, Annabeth basically forgot about the whole 'respect the gods' thing some time ago.

     "Let me rephrase that. Why?" Apollo asked as he put his head back on the pillow, doing his best to ignore how soaked everything was by taking Percy back into his arms so as to have her be comfortable.

     Even though the water had deflected off of her, it was still surrounding her which meant that the cold water was still basically touching her.

     And that meant that she was going to get cold.

     "Why not?" Annabeth challenged as she sat on the bed and reached for the file she had had earlier, having placed it beside the bed.

     She then held it comfortably before having it slither over Percy's body, starting at her legs and then climbing up.





     And that did the trick.

     In no time, Percy practically leaped out of Apollo's arms and instead went hopping around the room, her eyes closed and she waved her arms and legs around as if there were something there she was trying to shake off.

     Meanwhile, as Apollo did his best to get back up because of there being no point in him still being in the bed, Annabeth was quietly laughing as she held onto the thick file tightly.

     "Not cool, Apollo!" Percy shouted, her eyes still fastened shut as if it were going to hurt her to open them back up.

     As she slowly opened her left eye though, so as to see where the girlish laughter was coming from and so as to know why Apollo hadn't sent back a sassy comment - which she would turn down with an even sassier comment - she found herself face to face with a happy looking Annabeth and a freaking out God.

     "What's wrong?" Percy asked as she looked down and found that no snake or bug was crawling up her body, trying to find it's way inside her.

     Annabeth just gave a soft grin as the two turned to Apollo and watched him practically leap out of the window and into the tree next to it, and then sliding down it until he was beside his car.

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