Confronting Her Past: Colby POV

Start from the beginning

Pop-pop, Kody said and for a minute we all forgot he was there.

Hey bud, Mr. Morris said in a lighter tone. Did we disturb your nap?, he asked as Kody wanted to be picked up.

So we continued calling when suddenly the phone picked up on Mrs. Morris' s phone.

Well hello my was to be future Mother-in-law, we heard him say.

I could hear Kawaii's soft cries in the background.

Where the hell is my daughter!!, Mrs. Morris yelled and frightened Kody.

Oh calm down grandma she's right here, the arrogant bastard said... I could hear it in his voice that he wasn't going to let her go without a fight.

Baby we're on the way!! Just fight Kawaii!! Fight baby!!, Mrs. Morris yelled but Luke hung up on her.

Kody started crying hysterically scaring us all by surprise.

Come here buddy, I said as Jon passed him to me and we got out the car.

Colby.., Jon called but I just walked away.

We walked a couple blocks down to that the wreckage was clearing up and we'd be able to move some time soon. As we walked back to the car, Kody started sniffling and softly crying and it broke my heart.

Kody.. Kody Oody Oody, I said trying to get him to smile but I saw Kawaii in him..... the day she left to be exact.

Once we made it back to the car, I held Kody until he started to crawl to Joe.

Guys..... we got to do better.. Kawaii was our bestfriend and we ran her off, I said as Kody held on to my finger.

We know man.... this just..... She didn't deserve what we did and God knows I pray every day to just talk to her about all these problems amongst us, Jon said as he rested his head on Joe's seat.

Kody stood up and ruffled his hair some and it made Jon smile.... something he rearly does.

We need to get to her now, Joe said trying to hide his shakey voice.

Now that you 3 have admitted your faults... show her that you're still her boys! She's fought a lot of sleepless nights growing up for you two, Mr. Morris yelled pointing at Jon and I.  And you Joe..... Kawaii use to hate going to school because the crazy kid always wanted to be her friend but she ended up falling for you. It's unforgivable that you 3 pushed our daughter away... You don't understand what she did to keep in touch or to show how much she loved you... So it's either you fight with her or against her with feelings aside, he added making car quite.

Now that we have her.... We'll go to war for her, I said as the traffic started moving.

We drove 70 in a 45 trying to get to her and God knows we dreaded to see or hear anything bad. Once we made it on the block where the hotel was, Mr. Morris spotted one of his old war buddies.

Jon got out and helped Mrs. Morris to the door along with Kody.

Mrs. Morris is going to talk to the owner and calling the police so let's make quick work of the fucker, Jon said as he took his jacket off.

We got out and parked and walked to the elevator where Bubba, Devon and Ricky were standing. We got in and hit the 5th floor.

You boys ready?, Devon asked as he cracked his knuckles.

Bet your ass we are, Joe said as he took a deep breath.

~elevator dings~

As the elevator door opens.... Anger was an understatement in Joe's and Mr. Morris's eyes.

Joe speared Kawaii's ex head on and dropped him were he stood.

Blood was all on the walls as she laid there gasping for air. Jon kicked and stomped the guy with full intentions on breaking bones. As Mr. Morris pulled Jon off the guy, his war buddies picked him up and tied him in restraints.

I can't... bre.. breath, she gasped to say.

Ricky came over and talked to her calmly.

Little flower do you remember me?, he asked in a soothing voice.

She gave a faint small and nodded.

Can you tell me what hurts honey?, he asked as we tried to approach her but she started screaming.

I've never felt my heart drop like that in my life until just then and I was regretting the idea of asking her to come here.

My rib is broke, she said in tears.

Call 911 someone... don't move honey, Ricky said.

The bitch... should die... just like the kid, Luke said laughing and without knowing I kicked him square in the temple.

If you know what's good for ya, you'd stay down!!, I yelled in his face as he laid there knocked out cold.

~elevator dimgs again ~

Mr. Morris and his buddies told the police about what had happened as they rushed off the elevator and took him to jail.

Kawaii was rushed to the hospital to have emergency surgery. She had to stay in Osaka for 2 months before coming back to the U.S. and we felt bad about it. She had to attend court that lasted 3 weeks due to the amount of evidence that was slowly coming up.  Her mom kept us informed on it all and Joe caught wind that Luke gave up his parental rights so he's been happy ever since.

~2 months later~

Jon have you heard anything from Mr. Morris yet?, I asked as we sat in our locker room for Monday Night Raw in my hometown.

Nope... nope... aaaaand nope, he replied as he checked his phone. Wait... where's Joe?, he asked.

Catering I guess... let's go and find him, I said but as soon as we opened the door we bumped into him.

Dude!, Joe yelled. That was the last cupcake, he said making use laugh.

Aren't you to big to be crying over cupcakes?, we heard someone say....

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