-Valentine Special-

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Just a reminder,this is a SPECIAL CHAPTER so it's not connected to the main story plot. It's just a side story for valentine ;)

Enjoy! Plus in this valentine special,you and Namjoon are dating.



"Finally,it's finished!" You said with Joy as you pull out the hot and fresh hand-made chocolate out of the oven. You placed them onto the kitchen table as you went to the sink and washed your hands. You also bought the dirty tools and utensils and cleaned them as well.

After you did those,you then place them back to where they belong. You took off your apron and place it on a chair. You went back to check on your chocolates.

"(Y/N) dear,you make chocolates?" You were rather suprise to see your mother here,looking at the chocolates that you made.

"Mhm~" you answered with a cheerful tone,smiling.

"Who's it for??" Your mother asked,raising an eyebrow at you. You knew she was smirking inside.

You could only look away from her,a blush forming on both of your cheeks as you thought about a certain someone you wanted to give.

"N-no one! I just w-wanted to make t-them myself!" You said but you knew your mother can't get fooled that easily.

"Hmhm~ whatever you say my dear." Your mother said,chuckling.

"A-Anyways,Just try my chocolate mom." You said,changing the topic.

She then pick one up and plop it onto her mouth. You waited patiently as she chewed it before swallowing.

"So how is it mom?" You ask after she's done eating.

"It's not bad,pretty good actually..." she replied,licking off the remaining chocolate from her fingers.

You thanked her for tasting the chocolate before you quickly got inside your room,bringing the chocolates with you. You smiled as you place the chocolates on top of your table. You got out your chocolate wrappers that you bought from the nearest store.

You then started to warp the chocolates.

~Time Skip~

You hummed in content once you finished wrapping the chocolates.
You then place your remaining chocolate wrappers back from where you got them out. You then got ready to go to Surin's house because she wanted your help with making chocolates.

Since it's valentine today,it was a day off from work so you still had plenty of time before you gave him your homemade chocolates. You then went out of your room,the chocolate safely in your small bag.

"Mom,I'm going out to my friend's house!" You shouted as you grab your motorcycle keys.

"Alright,be safe!" You heard your mother shouted from the living room.
You then got out of the house,the keys in hand.

You then went to your motorcycle and started the engine. You then drove off away from your house and to Surin's house.

You arrived in 15 minutes or so. You then parked your motorcycle outside her house before you went to the front of her door and knocked.

"Coming!" You heard Surin's voice from inside the house as you waited outside. You then saw the door opened and Surin is there,wearing an apron.

"(Y/N)! Good timing! I was just getting ready to go and make the chocolates." Surin said. She then pulled you inside and to her kitchen.

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