A New Friend

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Once we arrived at the place,Jin showed you your place and help you get started,with the help of Yoongi of course.

Some where along the way once they finished helping you,Hoseok suddenly appeared saying he also wanted to help.

"Sorry,you're too late. We just finished helping (Y/N)." Yoongi said.

That ended up as Hoseok sulking,slowly making his way back to work.

He really wanted to help me that badly,huh?

You giggled just by thinking of it,causing the two of them (jin and yoongi) to look at you. Jin just smiled, ruffling your hair while Yoongi shakes his head,looking away.

You could've sworn you saw yoongi smiling a little but you shrugged it off.

"I think it's about time we get back to our work too." Jin said,looking at you.

You nodded,"alright,thank you for helping me,Jin and Yoongi."

"No need to thank us,I did volunteer myself to help you after all."

"Right but still thanks."

Jin nodded,Yoongi just leaning on the wall,waiting for jin.

"If you need us just head straight to the left okay? and if you had any other questions you can also ask me or Hoseok and--!"

"She already got it Jin now lets go,Im tired of waiting for you any longer."

Yoongi basically drag Jin all the way to the left hallway,leaving you alone with some assistants that are working.

You went to your place and started to work but after a little while someone suddenly slams their hands on your table causing you to jump a little and turn to the person.

It was a she,who has light brown hair and black eyes. She wears the clothes that all the other assistants wear.

"Heya! You must be the new assistant!I'm Surin,nice to meet you!" She said with a cheery voice,happy to have another female working here.

You smiled at her,"hello,my name is (Y/N),its nice to meet you too surin."

"So how do you like the job so far?good? Great? Awesome! Say,I was hoping we could hang out after we finish our job,go to a cafe and have a nice talk ya know?"

"That sounds nice,I would like to get to know more about you Surin."

"Me too! I wanna get to know you more (Y/N)!"

You smiled.

Well that was fast,I found a new friend in just one day.

Surin noticed your attire is different than the rest,"hey,didn't they provide you like the clothes that you have to wear if you work here?"

"No since I just started working here,they must have forgot.."

"Oh how dare they! How come they forgot? They already work for many years and yet they forgot..." she frowned.

"Its fine Surin,we can deal with that later when we finish our work."

"Alright,if you say so." Surin then goes back to her place,continueing her work

You then resumed to work,focusing since you don't want to get caught by the manager or even the boss for slacking off on your first day,right?

~Time skip brought to you by ryan~

You and Surin both finish your work. You were sweating a little when you finished.

I didn't think that I would break a sweat by doing this...but it did take a while.

You then stack the papers that you finished writing and put them beside your table neatly. You then walk with surin beside you to the left hallway to discuss about the clothes that you somehow didn't receive.

You guys were talking about a bunch of different stuffs like likes,
dislikes,hobbies and bla bla bla,that kind of stuff. While you and Surin are still talking,you wanted to ask her something.

"Hey surin,since you're here longer than me...why does Jin call mr.kim by his real name? He's working for him too right?"

"Well yeah but Jin and the others are close to Mr.kim,in fact they are childhood friends to begin with so theres no suprise if they would call each other by their real names."

"Since like,would you call your closest friend,mr.kim? no right?"she continued.

You shake your head.

"Nope,that feels wierd."

"I know right? Anyways,we're here now and there they are now." She pulled me to where the others are.

Once you guys arrived,there was only hoseok who was infront of the computer,typing something.
"Oh surin,what do you need?" Hoseok asked,looking over his shoulder from his work to Surin.

"N-N-Nothing! I-I am just here with (Y/N) since she w-wanted to a-ask you something." She stuttered,looking at the ground with blush on her face.

You were just smirking beside her.

Oh,so she likes hoseok? Well no suprise there since the way she acts towards him.I'll probably tease her after this~

Surin noticed you smirking and gave you a glare and nudge you to ask Hoseok.

"I was wondering where is the clothes I should wear for working here."

Hoseok raises one of his eyebrows before coming to a realization.

"Oh sorry about that,It won't come until tomorrow so you just have to wear those for now."

You nodded.

"Is that all you guys want to ask me?"

"Yeah,only that."

"I see and hey before you guys go,how about we hang out after work? With me and the others?"

You and Surin look at each other.

"I think I have some time....what about you (Y/N)?" Surin asked.

"I can't go..I need to do my chores for my family after I finished work."

"Oh...maybe next time then?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah,that will be fine."

He smiled,"Alright,that's settled then you guys can go back to work--wait here."hoseok then give each of us a bunch of papers.

"These are more paper work,can you guys do it?"

"Of course,why would they hire us in the first place then?" Surin joked.

Hoseok laughed.

"Haha,you're right..you guys can go back now." He then turned back to his work.

"Okay." You then pull surin to the right hallway after that,with the stack of paper in each of your hands.

You then turned your head to look at surin.

"Hey,do you think we can actually do it?"

"Well yeah! I mean like look at these," she mentions the stack of paper in her hands.

"It's not really that much plus I did look at some of it and it's not that hard to handle."

"If you say so now let's hurry up and finish them."

You guys then head back and do the paper work that Hoseok gave until it was time to head back home.






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